Chapter 2

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"Why do I have to go to school!?" I ask slamming my hand on the alarm clock. To heck with these uniforms. I look like a skank with them on.

Before long, I was going to cram school. I sit in the back behind the guy that gave me a lecture. If I was going to have a good day I was going to mess with this guy.

"Okumara!" I open one eye to see Rin waking up from his cat nap. I was only getting away with it because I had the book in front of my face. "Why is he even here? Piss off." Ryuji says looking at my brother.

I must admit. This Ryuji guy isn't too hard on the eyes. I sigh earning my book to be slammed down on my desk. I sit up to glare at him. "What was that for. Pay attention." I say as he turns around.

"You're the one that needs it more." He grumbles as the bell rings.

Yukio came in sitting his things down before taking out papers. "I'm going to pass out your quizzes now." I smile. I passed this one with flying colors. "Suguro." He got up and grabbed his paper. Rin freaked out before they got into a hissy fight.

"Sato." I walk up getting my paper. "Nicely done." I smile at my 100 before walking back. "Who needs it more?" I ask smirking at Ryuji and putting my feet up on the desk. He grabbed my paper and looked at it.

"You cheated." An aggravated look takes over my cockiness. "How could I?" I ask standing up. "You couldn't have gotten those right. You sleep in class!" He stood up shaking his head. I growl holding my hand in a fist before sitting down.

I need to calm down or else I might let it go for a few. Don't need them seeing my flame thrower.

The bell rings as I follow Rin, Yukio, and Shiemi outside to the water fountain. We've become good friends. "I don't get that guy. He gets on my nerves." Rin huffs off. "He's on a scholarship like me. He a well-educated student and a great athlete. And, he pays attention in class. Though, I don't know how you do it."

Yukio was looking up at me as I laughed nervously. "I just know a lot. We'll keep it there." Rin looked over at me. "Tell me how you do it!" I push him off the fountain making everyone laugh.

"I just study a bit during the night before I go to bed." I say climbing down and laying on the grass. I've never really done this before. The only thing I had down in Gahenna close to this was a flower field.

"Well well look at those two. Making out already." I look up to see Ryuji walking in with his two friends. "Great." I mumble standing up. "Oh, hey cheater, I didn't even see you over there."

"So, she's not your girlfriend?" He asks Rin. Rin freaks out a bit. I walk towards Ryuji and slap him gently on the cheek. "That's for butting in on their business. I'll see you guys in gym class. Don't kill each other."

I walk of sighing. Now I have to go change in my gym outfit. Going into the locker I take off my outfit and put on a black t-shirt and purple sweats. I'm happy they don't have regular Japan gym outfits here. I would be wearing this anyways.

"Today were going to be doing an exorcise with reapers." The teacher explained as I sat down.

"You don't know jack! In the real world the last one standing wins!" Ryuji jumped up in the air kicking Rin down. I put my hand over my mouth to cover the laughing up. That's when I heard Ryuji scream like a little girl.

I laughed so hard I thought I was going to explode.

"What was that all about! I'd rather die than lose to a loser like him." Ryuji says and before I know it, Rin and him were going after each other. I jump off the edge pulling Rin away while Renzo and Konekomaru held Ryuji back.

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