story two: "the prom pt. 1"

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i got the inspiration to make this from nogla and lui's gta v prom (not really) experience

weirdos tsk tsk


genre: romance, highschool!AU ;; word count: 2,140 words ;; pairings: daithidecalibre (major), h2ovanoss

I have a problem.

And the problem is that...I don't have a single problem.

Life's been treating me nicely for two weeks straight - and that includes the long-time crush I asked for prom and he accepted it with ease (last time I checked, I found out that he was straight and he still is, but a lot said that he's as straight as a cooked spaghetto, and I don't know what to believe anymore), straight As I've received for the final semester (for the whole semesters in high school, actually), the nice sum of $7,000 bounty that I managed to catch in GTA V, and the free chocolate ice cream Jonathan left me two minutes ago - and that's not normal. Something's bound to happen soon and it's not going to go pretty.

I look down at the cone of chocolate ice cream in my hand as I set down to sit next to Evan - you can say that he's a prick at inappropriate times but he's a very good friend, to be honest - and I shove the ice cream right to his face. Puzzled, he looks at me and blinks.

"Why, it's not like you, David," he says in his usual manner, but takes it and eats it anyway, "did something happen? What happened to last night's rage?"

"I just feel like it. And don't you dare bring whatever happened last night up at school," I reply to him, sliding my knapsack's straps off my shoulders and put it down on the side of the chair, "and besides, it's from Jonathan. I don't deserve it, man. You do."

Evan seems to sit back tight on his chair with straightened back and flushed red cheeks - caught him! - and continues licking on the ice cream in complete silence. I take out my unfinished business called Math homework since I was too busy on finishing a new heist mission I really had to do immediately on GTA V on the other night - and had to pull an all-nighter, too, because bitch-ass Evan was new to the goddamn game (sorry, my temper has to interfere somehow) - so no time spared for Math, moreover today's Geography test. Oh well...I just hope I can pull it off with flying colors from what I've learned on the maps of GTA V, and for some reason, it's not big enough to be listed as one of my problems.

"Hey, David! Good to see you so bright and early to the class!," a familiar voice booms and a friendly clap on my back follows, "I can sense the enthusiastic aura radiating off you! Mm-hm!"

Try to imagine being in a Mathematics class together for three years with a grade-crazed person, and you'd get how I feel for sitting on the same seat for three years exactly next to an ambitious kid called Brock. I never hold any grudge or anything against him and neither does he, but sometimes, our competition for the best score ignites the whole class in fire. It's unhealthy - either physically or mentally. I still can't figure out what the reason behind the weird arrangement where the school put me with Brock for three years together in Math was, but it's going to end soon, and I think I should enjoy this while it lasts.

Good thing is that he had never been able to dethrone me. I feel bad for him.

"Yeah, I know right?," I say, mirroring his eagerness, but keeping my eyes glued to the Math homework I'm currently working on is the choice I've made beforehand so that I can finish it in time before the bell rings, "it's the last class we attend before this whole high school stuff finishes anyway, so I don't see the reason to not to be enthusiastic."

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