Mommy's Blue Jellybeans

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Mom has blue jellybeans.
She keeps them in a small orange container with a white label, words I can't understand written all over.
She would take one everyday every night after daddy left us to get ice cream. He hasn't come back yet.
I once asked her if I could have a jellybean, she said no. I guess she doesn't like sharing.
Whenever she's done eating one she falls asleep, I try waking her up so she could take me to school. I didn't go to school that day.
Today I woke up nice and early for my first day of kindergarten. I got dressed and walked to my mom's room, it was quiet. I opened the door and walked in. There were a few blue jellybeans scattered across the floor the orange bottle open and almost empty.
I tried waking her up telling her that I'll be late if we don't hurry. She didn't wake up. I picked up some jellybeans and put them in my pocket. She won't mind if I eat a few.
I walked to school by myself looking at the jellybeans. Odd shape most jellybeans are abit curved.
I arrived and offered some jellybeans to my teacher
As soon as she saw the jellybeans she screamed and took them away from me.
I don't really know what happened next after I told them that they were my mom's jellybeans. The teacher called a hospital and police people, they went with me to my house.
They bust into mom's room and pick up the remaining jellybeans.
"Kid did she give you these?" A police officer asked me .
I shake my head.
"No I took them" he stares at me.
"Why do you know what these are?"
"Of course mister. These are mommy's blue jellybeans, and I only took them because she wouldn't share."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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