The Talk

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Enjoy I am writing a few more based on this story then I am going to write still on Legolas and you just a different story like what it's liked when your married or something like that.

Legolas has finally left your room you thought after him teasing you about needing help to dress yourself. You heard something and quickly turned around with your night gown already off.
"LEGOLAS what are you doing in here I'm changing!!!"
"I forgot my cloak!" He responded sounding befuddled.
"Well get out then."
He couldn't move all you could do was stare at you with a genuine smile on his face.
"Yes of course I am so sorry please forgive me."
You couldn't help but smile and blush as he left the room. You were done dressing and you went downstairs to the brew to eat breakfast. As you went downstairs everybody was waiting for you. Legolas saved you a seat right next to him. He didn't make eye contact with you he was still blushing from your fopa that happened a few moments ago.

"Next time knock Legolas." You said to Legolas with a chuckle following right after your words.
"What happened?" Aragorn said curious.
"Nothing!" Legolas said shyly and embarrassed.
"(Your name) come on tell me."
Aragon asked slyly.
"He walked in on me when I was changing accidentally."
"Accidentally" Aragorn said sarcastically.

You guys set off for your journey and you were messing around and playing with the hobbits while Legolas and Aragorn decided to talk.
"So...(your name)." Aragorn said
"What about her?" Legolas responded.
"Do you two ever you know want to have any children."
Legolas could only smile at this and then he had to think about it.
"I'm pretty sure we would have to be married first, we already started courting so the next step is marriage."
"I see" Aragorn said with a grin.
"When do you think that you will pop the question."
"Why are you so curious."
"Just wanted to know for when I need to make a reservation."
Legolas chucked at this.
"I don't even know about you know about having you know what, you know how she's a human and I'm an elf."
"Your two species are very similar you could make it work."
"How many children do you intend to have Legolas."
"I don't know I wish to have both a son and a daughter."

You came over to join their conversation and they both went silent.
"What are you guys talking about?"
"How many children do you want to have (your name)?" Aragorn asked you.
You blushed at this and said "I want at least one boy and one girl."
Legolas was amazed by your response and knew you were the girl for him.
"That's what my good friend over here said too." Aragorn said as he patted Legolas on the back.
You and Legolas both blushed at this. After a while of walking you guys decided to set up camp at a clear spot in the meadow with trees surrounded by you. You were sleeping in your tent while everybody was awake outside of the tents.

"So...who's going to wake (your name) up this time." Aragorn asked obviously not wanting to do it.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Legolas said putting his hands in the air.
"How bad could it be." Gimli asked laughing. "She's just a little lassie."
"You go do it then." Boromir, Aragorn, and Legolas all said at once.
"Fine fine I'm going hold your horses."
Gimli walked into your tent and screamed WAKE UP LASSIE. You did nothing of course because you were sleeping still. He shook you and you awoke and you punched Gimli right in the eye.
Gimli walked out of the tent with a blue and purple eye.

"I warned you not to go in there."
Legolas stated with a smirk.
Boromir and Aragorn laughed they almost fell over.
You finally came out of the tent looking tired as could be but you still had a smirk on your face from socking Gimli in the eye.
You sat down right next to Gimli and patted him on the knee he slowly scooted away and this only lead to laughs.
Legolas came and sat by you.
"Do you want something to eat?" Legolas asked you.
"Thanks you that would be delightful."
He grabbed you some soup and once you are it you were finally done with your journey and you were all heading back to Rivendell.
They finally reached Rivendell and they all settled in and decided to live them from now on where Legolas and you could live together and Aragorn with his true love and yours friends still with you.
After a year of living in Rivendell you Legolas found to love each other more and more.
"Will you (your name) marry me." Legolas got down on one knee and asked.
"Yes!" You replied with tears in your eyes as you kissed Legolas on the lips as he spun you around.

Next ones gonna be good

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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