Book 1 - Sadness part 2

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That day, I was left alone. They promised that they will be back soon. I trusted them. I believed in them. So I waited. And waited. And waited...

But then, that's when I realized that they won't come back. It's not because they abandoned me, but because they... died.

Father was a successful businessman, and Mother was a famous designer. Father's secretary went to our house, and told me everything.

They died when a truck went out of control and hit their car. The two cars smashed against a wall, and my parent's car was totally squished.

That day, I went to the park. There was no particular reason, I just went to the park. I looked up, and sighed.

"Happy birthday to me..."

As I was sitting to bench, I noticed that I was crying. I wiped my tears, but they won't stop falling. I finally gave in and cried.

"Father... Mother... Why did you leave me? Come back... You promised.... Why...."

All that time, I cried. It's as if everything has ended. Even though my parents money was handed down on me, it's meaningless if I'm all alone. I'm just a child after all. What I wanted most was..

 "What's the matter little girl?"

I looked up to see who talked to me. Kneeling down, this man talked to me. He cared for someone like me, a complete stranger to him.

It was then that I met this man, Himawari Kazuki. White, silvery hair, eyes that shine as blue as sapphires, this man, that looks 20 years old, reached his hand towards me. He tried to help me.

Yes... This was what I was looking for. The warmth of someone I don't know, but would still care for me. I don't know him, and he doesn't know me. But still, he was kind and caring. All other adults looked at me with pity, but he looked at me innocently.

I wonder... If he's the one, then maybe.... surely....

I guess... I'll just have to see for myself.

-The story of the princess, and the everlasting kindness of his knight. To be continued.

The Author's Short Stories of his ImaginationWhere stories live. Discover now