The bet

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Kian was on the phone with Ashley, they have been on the phone for awhile and i was getting sick of Kian not helping me with editing one of our videos for YouTube "Kian! Get the fuck in her and stop talking to your girlfriend we have other things to do!" Jc yells from the living room and Kian sighs "baby I have to go jc's bitching again" Ashley laughs and then we hang up and he runs downstairs and jumps onto the couch next to Jc and he didn't have the laptop "uh Jc how can we edit without a laptop?" Kian says and Jc laughs "dude we didn't even record a new video! I just needed to say something to get you down here" Kian crossed his arms "so why am I down here?" "Well..." Jc says "I'm gonna make you a bet, so you know how you and Ashley are dating and me and Bella are dating?" Kian nods "we should switch some things up and I can fuck Ashley and you can fuck bella"

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