When we arrived in the courtyard, already many people were there.

"Ah, Rosa. There you are!" Gandalf walked over to us. "We have five minutes! You stand over here," he placed me next to a pillar, Aragorn laughed as the wizard pulled me around everywhere. "Legolas, the Mirkwood Elves have arrived, you'll find their banner." Legolas nodded and headed down the steps.

More and more people arrived, till the entire courtyard was crowded, with hardly anywhere to move. A horn was blown sounding the start of the ceremony.

When did life ever plan for this to happen to me? When did life decide that I meet Aragorn and become his sister? When did life decide I would be in the Fellowship? When did life decide I would be read back into my own world, and go back into Middle-Earth again? When did life decide that my mother would die? When did life decide that I would marry an Elf?

The crown was placed upon Aragorn's head.

When did life decide for me?

I began to feel sick, and light-headed. Aragorn was down in the crowd, walking among his people, he couldn't help me now.
Where did all the oxygen go? I tried to breathe but I couldn't find enough air. I gripped the pillar next to me and held my stomach. It was the corset. Damn thing.

"Gandalf," I whispered, trying to get his attention. He turned his head towards me and furrowed his brow when he saw what state I was in. "I can't breathe. I'm wearing a damned corset."
Gandalf nodded and got the attention of the two guards.

"Escort this young lady to her room and make sure she doesn't faint!"

The two guards came up to me, now slouching against the wall, helped me up, put my arms over each of their shoulders, and almost carried me to my room, which I directed them to.
One of them opened the door, Lilia and Alene stood on the balcony watching the ceremony. Lilia turned and yelped at the sight of the guards.

"No need to worry, help her out of this dress, and make sure she doesn't faint." 

They set me on the end of the bed, Alene had her hand against my back to support me.

The guards left and Lilia began taking off the dress and unlacing the corset. 

"Hurry she's pale!" Alene hurried her. 

I felt the corset loosen and finally, the corset fell off my chest and I gasped for air taking in deep breaths. I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my knees. I placed my head in my hands and closed my eyes. 

"Would you like some water, Lady Rosa?" Lilia asked. 

I nodded. "Yes please." 

Alene went into the bathroom and came out with a glass. I took the water and began drinking in little sips. 

Someone rapidly knocked on the door. 

"Come in!" Alene said. 

Legolas ran in with Aragorn. Thankfully I still had the underdress on which just looked like a normal, long-sleeved, white dress.

"What happened?" Legolas put his hand to my forehead. "Are you sick? I saw the guards carry you off as though you were injured."

Alene and Lilia took notice of the crown on Aragorn's head and bowed their heads. He tapped their shoulders and they lifted their heads again. 

"I'm fine, it was the corset. Stupid Gondorian wear. No offense." I glanced at the two girls. 

Legolas nodded. "I am glad you are okay."

The Fellowship's Silvertongue: Part 3Where stories live. Discover now