"That's me," He looked me from head to toe before nodding to chair. "Why don't you sit down we have a few questions to ask you,"

When I sat down he turned on a voice recorder thingy and opened his notebook.

"Where you in anyway involved in the vandalizing of the Dylan office?"

"Yes," I told him truthfully.

"And how were you involved?"

"I did it. I took the picture. I painted the walls and I stuck them on. Now that I've admitted to that can I go?" I asked.

"Not yet, was anyone else involved?"

"No, I work alone always have and always will."

"Are you certain?" he pressed. I sighed and nodded my head.

"Yes, are they going to press charges on their darling daughter or can I leave?"

"I think it would be best if you go home." He offered looking at the principal who nodded also. Deciding for once that I wasn't going to complain I made my way out to my car. Flicking Holly a text I told her I was leaving and pulled out of the school.

I took my time getting home, if they had called the police then that probably mean the party was cancelled. I wonder if my parents are going to get a divorce. I know that I would try and get as far away from my mother if I had seen her dressed like that. I mean just thinking about it makes me gag.

A few security guards helped me pull through the crowd of new reporters all wanting the story. I sent them a small wave before speeding towards the house.

As soon as I stepped through the front door I could hear my mother and father fighting. I followed the noise until I find them in the kitchen, waving their hands as they yelled.

"I can't believe you would do something like this!" My father shouted shoving the poster at my mother.

"It's not what you think?" she sobbed close to tears.

"Then what is it? Please explain to me," I didn't get to hear her reply because she saw me and stop instantly.

"This is all her fault!" She yelled pointing at me. I rolled my eyes and leant against the counter.

"My fault I'm not the one that cheated." She stomped closer until she was right up in my face. I could feel her anger radiating off her as she snarled down at me.

"You have ruined this family!"

"This was never a family. You lost that privilege when you decided to choose your job over your daughter," I replied as calmly as I could know that it would make her even grumpier.

"You can no longer stay here. I want you out, now!"

"This isn't her fault." My father cut in. "She just helped to show what was really going on."

"So you're choosing that little home wreckers side!" I clenched my fist trying to stop myself from hitting her.

"I'm not the home wrecker you are," I told her. She turned back to me and glared.

"But you are. You're a home wrecker and a criminal. You will no longer be my daughter!" I stepped forward so that we were nose to nose, chest to chest.

"You were never my mother, you were just some hoe that went after my father's money," I spat.

I should have expected it, after all she is the queen of bitches but yet I didn't. As her hand connected with my face I couldn't help but cry out in pain. Her nails dug into my skin drawing blood.

"You always ruin everything!" Quickly showing no emotion on my face I looked back at her. She wasn't done though she threw fist after fist letting her anger out on me. I refused to fight back I wouldn't give in to her pettiness. It only took my father a few moments before he had wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her back off of me.

"I hope you die in hell," I told her before turning and running back to my car. I didn't think about where I was going or what I was going to do, I just drove. Through the streets and town hoping to find somewhere to let my anger out.


I have a question would you prefer quicker, shorter updates or wait a little longer and get longer chapters???

Also if anyone makes covers I would love one!! You will get a dedication.

Thanks to all the people voting and commenting it means a lot.

Anyway for an earlier update I need 100 votes and 30 comments.

I know that it seems like a lot but I can't make it easy and then update everyday.

Love you all


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