31. After Math

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I was banging into the door as hard as I could. My right side and shoulder was bruising badly but I had to get to my baby sister. Finally I smashed the door open in time to see my little Esme fall from the window. Dean screamed and I ran to the open window and saw her fall and fall until I looked away. I heard her crack onto the pavement below. I collapsed to the floor in a heap of hyper ventilating tears. I drew in large amounts of air then let them go in huge heart breaking sobs.

Pricilla was screaming at the top of her lungs in grief and pain.

I got up and ran to dean who was staring down at the pavement. I took a quick glance out and saw her broken little body lying on the concrete. I looked again but her body was gone. Dean and I looked at each other in confusion.

Then we heard a flutter of wings and castiel was stood behind us with Esme in his arms. Blood was pouring out of her every where and her eyes were wide open. Seeing her like this made all of us cry harder. Castiel was crying too. He laid her on the couch.

"You can fix her right cas?" Dean stammered.

"I-I don't know?" Cas said truthfully.

Dean got up at grabbed cas by his trench coat. I didn't stop him.
"You fix her right now, cas! Before I shove an angel blade in you right now!" Dean shouted in his face.

"Dean, she is dead! I can only bring her back if she hasn't already gone to heaven or hell!" cas said.

"No no no no no, my baby girl isn't going to hell. C'mon pumpkin." Dean cried holding her cold delicate hand.

Cas put his hands over Esme's head and a bright white light filled the room. When it cleared everything was the same. Esme was still lifeless on the couch. Pricilla was still sobbing into her hands and rocking back and forth. Dean was still crying over Esme. I was still supporting myself on the window sill. And cas was still looking confused.

"She's gone dean." Cas whispered.

Dean sobbed even more and closed Esme's eyes. Just half an hour ago she had been alive.

"Where is she cas?" I asked.

"Heaven, she is in Heaven." He answered.

That was a little comfort but not much.

"I can try and get her back from Heaven. It is nearly impossible. But I can try." Cas said.

We all looked up at him an nodded. He nodded and fluttered away. Leaving us minus a Winchester.

After a few more hours of crying dean moved Esme to her room on her bed. Pricilla hadn't left her side and kept talking to her and kissing her head. Dean hadn't stopped drinking. He was now crying into the couch on his 11th bottle of beer. I was still supporting my self on the window sill staring down at the place where she had fallen. The was blood on the floor. The police had been and gone. Telling the spectators it was a kids trick and nothing to worry about. They had no body and said that the blood was fake. There was still DO NOT CROSS tape around the area, but without a body they couldn't prove it was real. Everyone had looked away when she had hit the ground so no one saw cas scoop her up and fly away.

Cill came out of the bedroom tears staining her face. She walked to the kitchen and then came out with a sponge an warm water. I followed her into the bedroom and began to help Cill clean the blood off of Esme.

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