Chapter One: This Too Shall Pass

Start from the beginning

But nobody was there. Nobody cared. I was, in fact, all alone.

This is my story. This is my life, spanned out across pages in an attempt to express what happened to get me here. This is what happened.


They were talking to one another in the corner, laughing here and there and placing that flirtatious touch back and fourth. They pretended to look around shyly as if nobody could see them, but everyone knew they wanted to be seen.

I tried my best to keep my attention focused on my book. I was reading a word here and a word there, but the giggles continued to pull my attention forward. This act was being put on for me. I was supposed to be watching them now.

“Are you kidding me? I love hiking! When should we go?”

The pages couldn’t have been turning faster themselves. This was study hall. We were supposed to have been studying. I needed to study. I needed to pass this test.

Chapter Three: Proverbs

A proverb is…

“I am free this weekend actually. You think you can keep up?”

A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which…

“If I can’t will you carry me back down?”

…which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity.

I slammed the book shut. It was a rather large book so the force by which it closed echoed throughout the library causing various looks and glares to be shot my way. At least they stopped. They both looked at me for a moment, guilt across his face and void of emotion through hers.

Quickly, I looked away from them and shoved the textbook into my side bag. It was far too large for my small bag but I didn’t care. I would have to just study at home. I couldn’t concentrate here. Not with them… standing there like nothing had happened.

How could she… How could she do such a… gah!

If I could have run away from that room, I would have. I could have if I’d had any guts. No guts, no glory. I couldn’t even muster up the courage to move to another table or even express to the girl, the one who had called herself my friend, why I was so upset.

She knew. I knew. But it wasn’t a set of words shared between the two of us. It was a conversation I would avoid until I was cold and dead… or at least close to it.

45 Minutes Left…

As I pulled a notebook up from my bag, something to doodle and draw on until this hour was over with, a familiar bag made its way over and fell onto my lonely table next to the Science Fiction section of Memorial High School.

“Hey, Mai! I haven’t seen you in a while.” Angelique Garner exclaimed as she sat next to me.

Angelique was my brother’s secret girlfriend. They had started dating when they were both Juniors in high school and were now working on their third year together as college freshmen at the local university. Oh, and the secret part, that is a bit of a story all in its own.

You see, Kai and I are brother and sister and the only two children of Officer Yang and his lovely wife Inou. My father is Chinese and my mother is Japanese. Together they are this Asian super team and all about their heritage together. Since we were young, they emphasized to us the importance of dating someone of the same moral and structural background meaning we are to date within our own race.

Angelique was mixed just like Kai and me only she was not Asian. Angelique was Irish and Mexican. She had long, naturally wavy dark brown hair, hazel eyes, peachy skin and a Hispanic girls figure. She was absolutely gorgeous. But my parents wanted nothing to do with her and they demanded Kai feel the same way.

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