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I have a friend on here. We've talked for months. Months. We spill out our lives to each other- crushes, random stuff, everything. 

She's one of my best friends. I love her.

So much.

Lately, though, I feel like we barely talk anymore. She's moved on to other people, other best friends. Our conversations are choppy and I never know if she's going to reply back or not. She always talks about how much she loves other people on her board. It's never me. It makes me cry how far we've drifted apart. We're not really even friends anymore. 

 If you figure out who you are, I'm so sorry. 

 I'm just way too tired of rejection. 

 Rejection- the thing I fear the most. I hate losing people. I hate losing people I love, especially if I know they don't love me back. I hate loving people who don't love me back.

It doesn't help that this is happening with my best friend in real life.

 I think I'm going to take a break from Wattpad. For real this time. I'm not going to come back three days later and exclaim that I've decided to come back early. I just feel like there's nothing in it for me anymore. 

 To all those people who will miss me, which I doubt is many- I love you. I will miss you too. And I will probably come back eventually. 

 I'm sorry.

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