Rant Number 1 {part 2}

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Ok so today the guy that is one of the major reasons why I hate the guy I was talking about in my last rant was sitting across from me at lunch (it wasn't my choice, we were being forced to sit with our homerooms)and he literally CAUSED ME TO HAVE AN EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF LUNCH.  I legit almost started crying.

How, you ask?  He mentioned the d-deaths of...... Dobby, and Snape, and Bianca, and Zoe, and Fred, and Colin, and Dumbledore, and Finnick, a-and..... I can't do this anymore.  But you get the picture.  All my favorite characters who died.  SO I ALMOST CRIED IN THE MIDDLE OF LUNCH...  F*ck you, Keith.


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