true fires.

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  • Dedicated to Grandpa BIll (Although he's dead I still thank him for saving my life)

I know this isn't my usual writing. But I just to share about my 2 house fires I've been in.


I was 4 years old, when I smell gasoline or as I called it then "Black stuff". I heard a cracker of a flame or "red floaty stuff". I was playing dolls in my 2st story room I didn't knew what the "yellow men" were yet. I remember smelling something burning at my door and I kinda opened my bedroom door, bad idea. My left hand got hit by the flame.

I ran to my closet door and hid, like all 4 year olds do when they get scared. My hand still had the flame on it. I didn't know what to do so I grabbed a blanket and got it out somehow. I remember barking out side from my dalatmanion, Sandy. Grandpa bill dunagan was in the driveway. He went to work. My mother screaming for me. Firefighters called my name. I was scared. Grandpa bill went in without them being able to Stop him. I remember flame hitting the same hand, the smell of blood being burnt. The pain was unbearable. Grandpa bill called me "pooh boo bear, its grandy pa. Come to me and you'd be safe." Although I was scared I came.

He picked me up with a blanket picked me up with my baby blanket and ran. We got separated, I got took toa hospital and I burnt my nose I stayed there for a mouth. I had visits from family especially my couisn James. My couisn help clean my wounds. Had to he had to hold me still. That was the last time I saw Grandpa bill.

The 2 fire write was a cloth by the stove. I'll about it later.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2011 ⏰

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