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you has a best friend,

bang yongguk...

and he had a girlfriend,
her name is chan..

they once promise an eternal love together..

just like ordinary couple..
they laugh,
they smile together...

in the middle of the street...

chan leave yongguk...

yongguk do everything to get chan back...

but in fact,
chan just wanna have a fake relationship with yongguk...

yongguk who doesn't know the truth...

drowned in chan fake love...

you were there...

see how broken apart yongguk are...

see how passion his love with chan...

see how promise can be broke easily...

bang yongguk changed..
he's changed a lot...

he stop writing lyrics,
the thing that he really love to do back then,
before all this happen...

he doesn't smile,

he even forget the word of "happiness"

what you can do was,

keep courage him, moving him...

stay by his side whenever he feel hard...

you'll accompanied him walking on the street,
all night long...

see the pain on his pale face...

when his tears slowly flowing down his thin cheeks....

you admit,

you really miss his smile..

his laugh...

you just really miss him back then...

with his deep voice..
slowly he said...

"why she leave me?...
i can be better than this....
I'll success one day,
and why she can't stay???
why she don't believe my dream???! "

slowly you hold his hand...

even when everyone in this world fighting you...
I'll be here, by your side...
because i believe you...
you'll success...
you will"

"i will?" he ask...

"yes you will...
you just, you just can't be this way... you're not this weak...
the one who i know was not like this...
you're tough...
you're strong....
you can't stop from chase your dream because of her...
you must do something,
show her..
show her that she's wrong...
and you're right "

that is how you persuade yongguk everytime the thought of chan finding him...

day by day had passed...

he learn how to smile,

he starts writing lyrics too, the thing that he love to do...

although there's a pain on his smile,

your heart will fluttering whenever see his smile....

even he already know how to smile...
he still take a walk on the street at night with you...
and with his habit...

laying down on the ground looking at the star..

like he said...

"those stars was like a spotlight on the huge stage for me"....

that's what he told you, everytime he with you...



a years passed ~

you getting close with yongguk..


the fact is,

you don't look his as ur friend..
you not staying by his side all this period as a friend...




on the misty dark night...

you laying down on ground with yongguk...


you call his name...
but there's no answer from him...

you turn your head looks at yongguk, who's sleeping....

you smile...
as looking up the sky..

"i wish this spotlight gonna shine on us forever "

you said that as you hand acting like touching the sky...

unconsciously your tears dropping...

with your slow voice you talking alone...

"but this empty spots,
wasn't for me...."

(*you look at yongguk again)

"i mean nothing to you yongguk...
am i right??
im just a wind that passing you when you're drowned in your thought "


after awhile...
yongguk woke up,
and walked you home...

"yongguk..i "

you stopped...
he looks at you, blankly...

"I'll move...moving from my house"....


rain start dropping...

yongguk grab your hand,
pulling you to run with him...

you push him away...

"(y/name) ___ , you'll wet...palli"

he said that as he trying to cover you with his sweater

"stop yongguk stop!!!!!...
stop act like thiss.."

*tears flowing down your cheeks mixed with rain

"stop acting like you care with me!!!
stop it yongguk tsk tsk

(*you crying badly )" ...

he just look at you without any word....

"until now...
you still love her right?? even you smiling at me...
ikr!! you imagine that i was her right?? i...
i justt-- i just replace her place... "

*tears keep flowing down...

you look at him...
his wet hair, covered his eyes...


"you still love chan?"

you ask him for the last time....

looking at him who just stand there, watching you cry....

you put a fake smile on your face...

"i guess the answer is yes..."

you said as you look at the ground...

at the wet green grass...

"im sorry "

you said that as you slowly walk away from him....

author: bee

part beginning

bang yongguk [ short story ]

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