Events full of memories.

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(A/N: A bit more of the chapter "Did I....?") 

It's been two weeks since the incident...things are getting better; slowly. He started talking again. At the moment, I was sitting in a chair next to the bed where he lay. 

It was silent throughout the house until he spoke up, "Did I tell you?". I look up at him, knowing what he meant..."I love you Itachi Uchiha". "You did." I say, not making eye contact. It become silent again. 

The bed creaked as he shifted, "Did I show you?" he asks out of nowhere. It takes me a minute to figure out what he meant. 7 cuts...the pain he went through. Remembering what had happened, I was nearly in tears; yet I replied in a shaky hushed voice "Yes, you did.". I quietly take a deep breath. 

Before the words leave his mouth, I already know what he's going to ask. "Did I say why?" he glances at me. I open my mouth to say something but hesitate..."I'm one step near the edge." He never gave clear explanation but during that didn't matter. Before I know it, a tear slides down my face and then another; tears silently start running down my face. Again in a hushed voice, full of sadness, I answer his final question...  



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