In Which She is in Denial

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I am going to die I don't know when but I am going to die---trust me that's something that sobers you up real quick. Serenity kept telling me shes so sorry and we can do something, at least I think that is what she was saying before my world went blank---

I don't know how long had passed and woke up to my parents arguing about what best to do for my "situation" and Luke as usual was defending me. Figured Serenity told them something. They barely noticed I was awake, Dads skank and Moms Manwhore were officially making themselves comfortable in my house.

"FIRST OFF YOU ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE" I screamed tears pouring down my face and snot but I really didn't care. I don't cry but with everyone looking at me I couldn't stop. I mean even when my Grandma died, I stood there emotionless. My parents stared at me in shock as my brother Luke and Serenity came to hold me. Luke held me as a bawled. I had sacrificed everything for them but these bastards when I needed them they would rather fight.

"Sis, Serenity told me. I dropped everything and rushed over. I am not going anywhere" he cooed letting me cry. I couldn't exactly hear what the rest were saying but Luke walked them out of my house and took me to bed.

I don't know how long I slept but Serenity and Luke didn't leave when I could finally get out of bed I heard Serenity and Luke talking about what to do or how to help me. I statred at my cream white ceiling trying to count the paint strips. Everything felt like a vacum, I felt hallow, empty and pathetic. I couldnt belive the things that bothered me so much are absoultly useless now, Who cares if I get married, find my soul mate , have a child fuck even have some sort of semblance to my life. I am gonna die

"How long do I have really serenity tell me the truth?" I spoke before I could stop my self. They stopped long enough to notice my presence in the room.

"Five mounths apx maybe seven with meds and chemo" Serenity replied barely audible

"I will not spend the rest of my life in the hospital" I snapped watching Lukes despair as he tried hard not to argue with me.

"Whatever you need sister" he mumbled

I needed to think but I never want to waste my time ever again so I asked my brother and best friend out and popped out my special wine Domaine Leroy Musigny Grand Cru best 100 thousand dollars I have ever spent on myself and I was saving it for when I have a wedding night so there was no better occasion. 

I guess Death is not discriminatory on who he takes into the underworld but my boat trip to hell will have to wait for five months at least. 

I packed my bags and called my parents, told them I was leaving. My brother agreed to take care of the company as long as I told him where I was going ( honestly I didn't know)  so I promised to tell him when I get there. I called Serenity and told her I will call her when I can 

Within five hours  I was drunk, packed my bags, called an uber, and was on my way to the airport. To where I don't know but one thing is for sure I will finally live my life to the fullest at least until the end



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