In which she finds out

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My name is Luna and this is my story. Why I decided to write it down is because honestly I don't even know if anyone will ever read but hopefully someone will. 

I grew up as the oldest daughter of the worlds richest and most envied power couple in the twentieth century, Laura and Lewis Hamilton. I was their only child until my younger brother was born five years after me. I came to understand very early what was expected of me so I never really questioned my father no matter what he asked of me so when Luke was born being treated like I didn't matter was practically expected. Surprisingly I didn't hate my brother and he didn't hate me. I can still remember his chubby face as he ran to greet me every day I came home. 

I know this all sounds like bragging but that was never the true story. Truth is my parents had a miserable marriage, they fought, cheated on each other and weren't afraid to flaunt their lovers around or in front of each other.  Naturally, the business my father headed as CEO started to suffer, my father being the pig-headed fool he is refused to give it up until he was close to bankruptcy and literally dropped everything on my lap and run off to the bahamaz with his nineteen year old mistress. 

At twenty-three I did what most thought was impossible and turned a dying company into a multi-million dollar enterprise. I was living what others might call the ultimate life goal but truth be told I was never happy. Ten years passed in a flash, my brother Luke came into the business and I cut my parents out completely except occasionally giving them an allowance. I am thirty three now, over worked, lonely and a horny virgin. 

Everything was going better than I expected as a matter of fact some might say too good to be true until my thirty fourth birthday. Luke was in Spain closing a huge company deal making it impossible for him to come to celebrate it with me. 

"Am sorry I couldn't make your birthday sis" my phone vibrated with his apology text message. I told him it was okay when it wasn't after all  it wasn't his fault I lived a miserable life. 

As I was about to pack up and go home a call from my Doctor's office came through, now that I look back I couldn't help think it was so strange for them to call me at night but now if only I knew how much ignoring that call would cost me. 

I drove to the nearest pub drunk myself stupid and woke up puking my guts out the next morning. As I got breakfast I noticed twenty missed calls from my Doctor directly who also happens to be a very good friend but  before I could reply she was screaming at my front door.

"Open up Luna or I swear to god I will call the break this door down and believe me I do not give a fuck if you in there with someone" she bellowed worsening my hangover. 

"You know just because I had a bad chest infection really doesn't mean you can come barging into my house" I replied smirking at her angry scowl. 

Serenity Scott was my childhood friend mainly cause she is the only one who had the guts to be brutally honest with me hence why I like her. She marched into my penthouse and made herself comfortable as usual.  

"I have been trying to reach you all night" She snapped 

" And why would that be" I snapped trying to irritate her but when I looked at her, she was shaking. Giant tears streaming down her face. Having known Serenity for all my life I can count on one hand how many times I have seen her cry and believe me she doesn't cry so her reaction sobered me up real quick. 

"Remember when you told me to give you a physical" She stuttered 

"Yes and you said everything is normal" I replied trying to remain calm 

"Well I lied cause I couldn't believe what I was looking at Luu" she whispered and handed me the folder she was clutching 

"What are you getting at " I growled 

" Its cancer hun stage four, specifically in your lungs Luu" She whispered the word that broke me 


I am gonna die a virgin

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