New years resolutions for the signs

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Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Drink more water//Work on your anger issues//Save more money//Exercise regularly//Procrastinate less//Take up a new hobby

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn:
Get out of your comfort zone more often//Quit a bad habit//Take more time to relax//Mentor someone//Go to more concerts//Start painting or drawing

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius,
Spend less time on social media//Judge people less//Don't spend so much money//Get more sleep//Reach out to an old friend//Drink more tea

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces:
Eat cleaner//Cut negative people out of your life//Go out more often//Learn a new language//Be more accepting//Get more organised

I'm going to a sleeping with sirens concert this year (my first ever concert!!!) and I love art. 2/6 resolutions completed. Let's see if I can complete the rest. 💫

Also this is the last chapter in this book but don't worry as I have made another zodiac signs book (Zodiac signs - book 2). Please check it out ;)

I just want to say thank you so much for all the votes, views, comments and everything else, I really appreciate them! Good luck in 2016! <3 🎉


Hope your year is going well! My resolutions are probably 3/6 complete now✅✅✅. The Sleeping With Sirens concert was incredible! It was just amazing to watch my favourite band live right in front of me🎶😍! I have 3 more concerts planned for the rest of this year which I'm looking forward to! I have been doing lots and lots of art this year which has been really enjoyable🎨✍🏼️. Also I've managed to take more time to relax. My summer holidays were so chill and I'm trying to relax more, even tho school is so stressful omg🌿.

Hope y'all enjoying my 2nd Zodiac Book if you've checked it out! I'm so happy and grateful for all the reads, comments and votes on both books; they make me so happy!💟 Love y'all and thanks so much! Keep smiling xx

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