El made herself balanced on the frozen ice, making sure with each step that it was thick enough for her to step. What she didn't know was that each spot was too thick to imagine, just because of the beating Jack had caused upon it. She tried to be as quiet as possible as she made her way over, her ears perking at the sounds of his worn out puffs of air and the groans of frustration that left his throat. It was all too much. It hurt her.

"Jack?" She spoke softly, carefully and without rush, wishing not to scare him with her voice. Her hand was placed on his shoulder in that second, and if her speaking didn't frighten him enough, her touch did.

So he scrambled back, eyes wide with surprise and regret, hoping she hadn't seen him minutes ago. He was still breathing heavily as he managed to stutter out her name, and it wasn't her nickname like before, and it was the only time Elsie ever didn't hate the feelings, didn't call it insane. Because, just like her name rolling off Jack's tongue, it was too natural to deny.

El's lips were turning pale (unlike the usual rosy color) from the cold, but she still managed to lift the edges up slightly, trying to smile at him. "I thought you weren't going to come today?" The statement came out as more of a question, making Jack flinch.

He stood up, dusting off his pants and snatching up his staff. His hood was on, and he was frowning, and that made El frown, too. "I-I wasn't, but.. but I suddenly got free and decided to come after all." The words came out in a rush, and Elsie was one for details. The stuttering, the fast pace, and the lame excuse. Obviously, he was lying. It was traced into his eyes very, very noticeably.

"Oh, really?" She started, folding her arms across her chest, "Then why are you out here and not at the house?"

"I.. I knew you guys were coming! So, that's why I was.. waiting. Yep," he excused (again), pulling his lips back into quite a forced smile.

"Uh-huh," She nodded, taking the time to walk circles around him, "And.. why is it that you suddenly got free?"

I know this one, I know this one, Jack chanted to himself, racking his brain for any ideas, Ugh, I know this one! "Uh, Tooth said she could handle it, so."

"You're just like Jamie," El snorted, coming to a stop in front of him, "Both horrible liars." She paused for a second, scanning his face for any traces of amusement (and she found none, which was unusual. She would've sworn he'd be rolling his eyes, shrugging, and saying that it was worth a shot), then continued on, "And you do realize I would've kept asking questions and you'd soon run out of answers?" She couldn't deny the butterflies that were popping up inside of her, just by being so close, but she could ignore them until the situation passed.

Jack Frost's face was blank as he locked gazes with the girl, the girl he fell so helplessly for, in front of him. He blinked twice at the realization that he had to get rid of the feelings that were tickling his insides. He just had to. So, after looking over her shoulder to make sure Sophie was okay, he wrapped his long fingers around her wrist without any thought. He pulled her aside, to the trees lining the frozen pond, much to her complaints.

The complaints were actually quite fake, because Elsie didn't mind Jack holding her wrist. It was so close to her hand.

"Listen, El, I-" he stopped talking for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. It was hard to do so while staring into her eyes, the eyes that held more emotion and a variety of secret messages than he could imagine, but it wasn't just a pair of eyes that Jack found hypnotizing, no, it was just because they belonged to her. They distracted him for the longest time, and she did nothing to interrupt that, but he apparently got his gears fixed because he started talking again. "I-I need to tell you something," Jack sputtered out, watching steadily as her eyebrows lifted in interest. "This might be really confusing because we've only known each other for a couple days, and I barely even know you and it's of course the same for you and-"

Elsie let out a small laugh, placing her finger across his lips still parted in ready to speak. Jack couldn't help but notice the wrinkles by her eyes when she breathed out that beautiful, short sound. "Slow it down, mister race car," she warned, bringing her finger back down, showing him a slight smile.

With a deep breath, he tried to ignore the bolt of jitters on his lips when she was touching them, continuing on in a normal speed. "Um.. like I was saying.. this will sound really weird, okay? Please don't speak until I'm finished, alright?"

She nodded.

Jackson Overland Frost was standing in front of a girl that's beautiful, but a different kind of beautiful than he's seen before. He has feelings for her, and he hates it. He's getting ready to tell her about it, hoping she'll understand and help him.

Elsie Vessa Abernathy was standing in front of a boy that's beautiful, because boys can be beautiful, and to her, he was the definition. She has feelings for him, and she's okay with it. She's preparing to hear something he seemed to be nervous about, hoping he's not going to say he couldn't visit any more.

Jamie Hanson Bennett was in his gym clothes, throwing and dodging red plastic balls being thrown his way. He keeps an eye on the new girl in the corner, secretly always hitting the balls that were about to hit her. He doesn't know why she's so shy, but she's pretty and doesn't deserve to be teased for wearing glasses.

Sophie Nicole Bennett was standing in the snow, a distance away from her cousin. She rolls small snow bundles like her brother taught her to, beginning to create tiny snowman around the area. She pays no mind to what her older cousin is doing, just glad she got the 17-year old out, so now she waits for her to return and play.

Jack began speaking, wondering if what he was doing was right.

Elsie began wringing her hands together, avoiding his piercing eyes.

Jamie began walking towards the new girl, attempting to get her to talk to him.

Sophie began to direct her gaze on her cousin, making her way over slowly.

The dominos had all fallen.

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