Sophie Nicole Abernathy was sitting behind the sofa where she faintly heard her cousin's muffled sighs, setting up her plastic plates and cups, not forgetting to add the silverware. She even ran to the kitchen to get some napkins, which she barely could reach (even on her tippy toes!), and managed to make it back to notice Elsie hadn't even stirred. The 2-year old plopped down and began to set up her rag doll with beautiful red locks, named Kate, and her Barbie prince doll (he came in his suit; what a young man!), which was given the nickname of Kenny. She was pouring them invisible tea into the pink and purple cups in front of them, hoping Kenny didn't mind the color. She made idol conversation, asking them about their day and nodding at whatever answer her mind made up for her. After taking a bite of the Oreo on her plate (pinky up!), she started discussing how her morning had been and what she expects to do with the two guests the rest of the day. Her voice was loud, but it wasn't heard by El.

The four people, all of different age, all of different attitudes, all of different intentions, were left to do what they had to. Jack was supposed to talk to Elsie, yet he has not. Elsie was supposed to go out and find Jack in that predicament, yet she has not. Jamie was supposed to pay attention to his lessons and not need El's help anymore, yet he has not. Sophie was supposed to ask her cousin what was wrong, drag her out so maybe that could help the teenager to find Jack, yet she has not.

But the time has not run out. They have their chances.

And Sophie took hers, sparking the course of events like a domino effect.

"Elsie?" Soph mumbled, climbing onto the couch from sudden concern. She bent her body so her eyes met her cousins, giving her a silly smile before ceasing it, noticing it did nothing. "What wrong?" She questioned, taking the ice cream away from the girl, waiting for an answer.

El's stiffened body slowly sat up, the blanket falling from her shoulders and onto her lap as she stretched, still feeling like a squashed tomato. Her eyes had light bags under them from the loss of sleep, her lips chapped from not speaking, her skin dull from not being out in the sun. The thoughts had took a toll on her, causing all these things, but she denied it. "Sick," Elsie tried to smile, but it ended up failing by the way the blondie took it.

"Wanna come play?" Sophie grinned, holding the older girl's hand, "It'll make you feel lots better!"

Elsie didn't want to. She wanted to wallow forever. But her domino had now fallen, and she had the sudden urge (like Sophie) to do something. So, she stood up, stretched some more, and went to change. Five minutes or so later, she was in warmer clothing and so was the bouncing 2-year old dragging her through the back door. El suspected her to stop there, but the little girl decided she wanted to go skating, so through the gate and onto the path they went.

Jamie still wasn't paying attention, and that got him in trouble when he got called on. "And why don't you know the answer, Mister Bennett?" He hated being called that, for it reminded him of his father, and that was another reason he squirmed in his seat, also feeling all the eyes of his classmates on him. He felt like he should just tell the truth. "I-I don't understand, Mrs. Goldenberg. Can you.. can you please help?" He never was one to ask for help, and that was what made the old woman's day. And so she helped, just until he finally understood and couldn't wait to get home to tell everyone.

Jack was still at the pond when the two girls arrived. He was banging his staff even harder on the ice, grunting with each strike, and when the final one happened, nothing came from it but a tired out spirit of winter. He was panting as he dropped to his knees, rubbing his face over and over with his hands, pulling at his hair, trying to calm down. He was in that position, looking weak and in need of some comfort, when Elsie's eyes softened as they planted themselves on him. She frowned and told Sophie to stay there, and so she did, beginning to make snow angels, paying no attention to the others.

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