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"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciatey them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

― Marilyn Monroe


"Graduates, good luck and remember this is only the beginning."

Cheers erupted from the seats and stands as I finished my speech, finally, I graduated, now my life begins. I walked back to my seat, right next to my best friend, Alex, she smiled at me.

"Awesome speech, Kenzie" she said

"Thanks, Lex" I happily said

"I can't believe we finally graduated, it feels like yesterday when we were just little freshman, wondering how to get to our classes without being late"

I laughed at her statement, but she was right. I remembered the first time Alex and I had our very first football game to cheer for, homecoming, the taste of the horrible school lunch, prom, etc... Time really does fly by when your in high school.

"Now I would like all the graduates to stand up, as we call their names up to receive their diplomas" Principal Willden said

And one by one we went to get our diplomas as our name was being called. Alex and I were in the back so we had a long wait, but it was worth it.

"Alexandria Rivera"

Alex's name was called, she went up, got her diploma and walked of, but not without posing for the camera and blowing a kiss to her mate, Chris. 

Yes I said mate, not as in a friend, but as a short term for soul-mate. As a werewolf, everyone has a mate, someone special to them, fortunately, I didn't find mine, but its all right, when the time comes, I'll find him or he'll find me.

"Mackenzie Stone"

I heard my name being called, I walked up, shook my principals and vice principals hand and posed for the camera. I went to my seat and looked at my diploma, my golden ticket to freedom. We waited a few more minutes for the last person to be called.

"Now will the class of 2013 please rise. Everyone, I am honored to present the graduating class of 2013!"

The crowd went crazy, graduates threw there hats up in the air, everyone was laughing and crying happy tears, and friends were hugging each other. Alex and I went to our parents who were waiting in front of the school.

"Ahhhh congratulations girls" Maggie, Alex's mom, told us

"I'm so proud of you" my mom said

"Thanks mom" I told her

Mike, Alex's dad, walked up to us, he hugged both me and Alex and then went to Maggie's side and wrapped his arm around his waist," how does it feel to be graduated?"

Alex and I looked at each other and both said at the same time," it feeeeelsss greaaaattt!"

We all started laughing

" I can't believe you guys graduated, it all seems too fast, it seems like just yesterday, you and Alex were in the backyard playing with dolls and holding teacups, now your holding a diploma." My mom said with tears running down her eyes

"Awwwe Mom, don't start crying"

"I can't help it, my baby's growing up!" She wailed

I winced at that

"Your speech was awesome, sissy!" My younger brother, Tyler, told me

I kissed his cheek and hugged him. I started searching for my dad

"Mom, where's dad?"

She pointed to a tree that was on top of a hill, I saw my dad there. I started walking to him.

"Dad?" I called out


"Dad, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" he said, while sniffling

"Are you crying?" I asked

"No, I'm just sweating through my eyes"

"Yeah, okay" I said, not believing the lie

He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head

"I'm so proud of you, you have no idea. You accomplished so much, I'm proud to be your dad"

My eyes started to tear up, "thanks daddy, you saying that means a lot to me" I looked up and smiled

"Come on let's get going, your mom wants to take pictures" he said

"Okay you go first, I want to stand here a little longer" I told him

My dad left, I turned and look at the sun setting and thought this is really the beginning of what I'm expecting in the future.

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