Lola jolted awake with a burst of energy. Grabbing her stuff, she closed the lights and shut the door. Locking it, she slipped the key back into her purse.

     "Well, you sure are in a rush, showgirl." Tony gave her a smug smile.

     "Don't even," Lola answered, annoyed. Quickly, she walked over to the building's back exit. "Well, if you don't mind, I'll be leaving now. Bye!" And with that, she threw open the door and left.


3 Years Later

     Lola walked into The entrance of The Copacabana. She quickly passed by the bar where Tony worked, going straight to her room to change. Again, Lola pulled on her stockings up to her knees. She touched up her makeup and re-adjusted the short cut dress she had just put on, humming to herself in the mirror. She had just stuck a few yellow feathers into the side of her head when there was a knock at the door.

     She smiled and jumped up as she heard someone say, "Knock, knock. Housekeeping!" Lola laughed as she walked up towards the door and threw it open. There in front of her was Tony, a smug grin on his face.

     Stifling a giggle, she put on a confused face before looking left and right. "Housekeeping? Where? All I see is a huge statue in front of my door."

     "Hey! This statue has feelings you know!" Tony placed a hand on his heart.

     Lola rolled her eyes. "Right, I'm sure you do. Can you prove it."

     Tony gave a mischievous smile before giving her a peck on the lips. "How's that for having feelings?"

     Lola tapped a finger on her chin. "Hmmm... I don't know... All I felt was the wind blowing on my face."

     Tony narrowed his eyes. "Oh ho, I'll show you wind blowing on your face..." He came closer, but Lola stood there unfazed.

     "Ah, ah, ah." Lola held up a hand, "Save it for later. I gotta go do a show."

      Tony pouted. "Fine!" He relented, "Good luck up there, dance like no one's watching."

      Lola scoffed. "If only." She waved to Tony, as she walked onstage.

      She smiled thoughtfully as she recalled how about a year ago, Tony and she had found out they had fallen in love with each other. It was surprising to both of them, but apparently not to the rest of the staff. She shook her head at the memory. She couldn't think about that right now, she had a show to do! Taking a deep breath, she plastered on a big smile before going onstage.

     The other showgirls crowded around her before they all did their typical dance routine. They started off with the merengue, then the cha-cha, and finally, the kick line. As she was performing, Lola couldn't help but see one gentleman who was escorted to his chair. He wore an expensive suit and pair of shoes and wore a diamond ring. His dark hair was combed back neatly, and his face was as hard as stone. He was watching the performance intently, not smiling nor frowning. He just sat there, no expression on his face whatsoever. When they finished, there was roaring applause, especially from the men, but when Lola glanced at the man again, she could see him clapping politely looking unamused.

     As Lola and the other showgirls got off stage, she was approached by a nervous waiter. "Um, miss? There's a gentleman who has requested to see you. Can you please come with me so I can escort you to him?"

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