Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ugh, I hate plane rides. Most of the time I get seated with a weirdo, like now. Right now I am seated with a guy by the name Marvin. I told him my name was Donkey but he is still talking to me. Garr. Finally I bring out the big guns.

                “Shh,” I say and leaning over to his and putting one finger to my mouth and looking around us. “Do you hear that?”

                Really there is nothing but this is my plan. “No?’ He says questionably.

                “It’s the aliens, there coming back for me!” I screech and pretend I’m having a meltdown in my seat. A stewrtist come by and asks if I’m okay I shake my head no and say that the aliens are coming back for me. She just walks away looking at me oddly. The man stops talking to me for the rest of the flight. That is how I roll. BOO-YA!!!!!!             (A/N this is actually what I would do and sound A LOT like me tehhe :DD )


I watch as my old house came into the distance. The faded blue paint and white all around porch. I just wish mom was with me. See my mom, Kendra, and my dad, Phil, split up 2 years ago. Kendra took me to England with her when they did. Phil was left to stay with their other 3 children in South Haven , Michigan. Why she had to drag me along with her I don’t know. But she decided she didn’t like London, she tried to drag me to New York with her.  I swear I have never yelled so much in my whole life. In the end I got my way. She went to go live in New York alone, when I went back to South Haven.

The taxi comes to a stop. I pull up my hood and wrap my scarf around my neck because its winter here and it is FREEZING. I step out into the chilly air and walk up the slippery stair way and knock on the white door. I hear cheering and the running of feet to the front door. The door opens and a rush of warm air hits my face. I look down to see the, 9 year old, twin boys and my little girl, 4 year old, Georgia.

“Maybelle!!!!” They scream in unison and pull my in through the door and tackle me with hugs. I smell something amazing wafer into the living room as I am tackled to the floor with hugs.

“Ohm you guys have gotten so big!” I screech and hug them all and kiss their forehead. I look over and see my dad walk out of the kitchen into the living room.

“Is that my little Maybelle under all those kids?” He jokes with a bright smile on his face.

“Sure is!” I say and Georgia and the twins, Devon and Andrew, scurry off me and help me up.

I go over and hug my dad. “Honey, take off your coat and scarf I can’t see your face!” I laugh and unzip my cot and remove my scarf and toss  them onto the red leather couch.

“Is that really you May-May?” He asks surveying me. I blush and nod. That’s what everyone’s going to say I just know it. It’s because I look different from last year.  It’s all because my mom insisted on me not look so ‘grabby’ and paid a fortune to make me look like this. I use to have frizzy blonde corkscrews that when to my mid back but that all changed when I got on that show ‘What Not To Wear’ and the stylist just couldn’t handle it and put this stuff in my hair to make it stay flat forever. So now it’s straight with ways here and there and the ends go out in different curly hooks. They also showed me how to use make up and now my ice blue eyes are now thickly lined with black liner and my face. Just wow! I left with acne everywhere on my face, but they fixed that and gave me an acne wash that works wonders. Now my face is perfectly smooth and my cheeks are tinting in a light pink.

“Yep, thanks to mom I look this way,” I say and sigh looking down at my hands. My dad shakes his head and takes my hands in his.

“No you look ecstatic!” He exclaims and I look up.

“Really?” I ask unsure. He nods his head so vigorously I would think it would fall off.

I laugh. “Okay!” I say and sniff the air. “What’s that smell?” I ask and looking back to my dad. He smiles.

“Kentucky fried chicken,” He says.

“What the occasion?” I ask tilting my head to the side.

“You coming home, at six we go to town hall for a welcome back party,” Devon says jumping up and down.

“Why are you so happy?” I ask narrowing my eyes at him with a slight smirk on my face.

“Babes!” Andrew says winking.

“And cake!” Devon chimes in. I roll my eyes and turn back to my dad glancing at the clock.

“Holy Cow paddies! It’s already 5! I have to get ready!” I screech. Dad laughs at me.

“Okay go get ready and I’ll call you down when we are ready!” Dad yells after me as I run up the stairs. Then I remember I don’t remember which room is mine. I just take a wild guess and jump into a room like a ninja. I’m awesome with my ninja powers a shizzz… just kidding. I smack right into the door and fall to the floor.  I stand up dazed and open the door to find it’s  mine because it has flying dinosaurs and pigs with wings on my walls. I don’t know why I picked that, guess I’m just crazy. I see the one pig that has a mustache and the dinosaur next to it that also has a mustache and remember Emmett and sigh.

(Flash Back)

“Here, so you’ll remember me forever,” Emmett says and grabs a marker from my drawer and starts drawing a mustache on a pig. I laugh and grab the marker out of his hand and draw a mustache  on the dinosaur next to it.

“Mine is a pigstache!” He yells.

“Mine is a dinostache!” I yell back because mine is better and he is jelouse he grabs the marker out of my hand and draws a big thick mustache on my upper lip. I gasp.

“Hey that was my best lip!” I yell and being the 13 year old I was I grabbed the marker back and drew a thin curly mustache on his upper lip and thought it needed more and connected his eyebrows with a big thick line.

I start laughing at the sight on him. I remember we did stuff like this all the time and my mom would get so made and yell at me because I like trips and accidently scuffed her new high heels. No wonder dad left her.

(End of flashback)

“Man I miss Emmett,” I whisper and step into a shower.

I take about a 5 minute shower and then jump out, and dry off. I wrap my hair in a towel and run into my closet and grab one of my favorite dresses sense I sent all my stuff from England to here before I left, I guess dad put it all away. The dress is a creamy yellow that comes down to my knees and is strapless. There are pink floral patterns that warps upward in the bottom corner of the dress and stop at about my waist. There is a pink ribbon right under the busts. I smile at how well it looks and then grab some cream white high-heel sandals.

I run back into my bathroom and take my hair out of the towel and quickly dry it and watch as it comes down around my face and onto my back and shoulder. My hair comes down to the end of my ribs and  comes out and curls at the end. I wash my face with the acne wash quickly then pat dry my face and then add foundation, pink blush, black eyeliner, and a light pink eyeshadow. I smile at myself pleased as my dad calls that it’s time to go. Perfect timing I run down the stairs grab my jacket and go into our mini-van.

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