Chapter 1 Part 2

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*Nobody's P.O.V*
Tsuna just smiled sweetly which ended up making Kyoya and Hiro back away from the teen in a wheelchair. Reborn looked at the two confused before Tsuna answered " Well Ren-chan that's something for me to know and for you to find out and I wanna be in Vongola too even if I won't be Decimo even if its my title by birthright since in the Mafia the oldest gets the throne. Hiro sweety if you don't let me join and take over Papa's CEDEF I will never speak or make any of you my food" Kyoya and Hiro paled at the idea. Hiro nodded quickly "anything for you Tsu-kun just don't ignore me or Kyoya, even if I'm the sky your the universe" Kyoya nodded with what Hiro said. Tsuna blushed slightly before smiling in pure happiness "thank you my cute little brother and my love now shouldn't you get to school or you'll be late" Tsuna grabbed two lunches and handed one to each of them. He turned to Reborn "are you going with them or staying here?" Reborn thought about it " I'll stay with Mama for today" Tsuna nodded before going to Hiro and Kyoya. He gave Hiro a kiss on the cheek and then gave Kyoya a kiss on the lips surprising Reborn " Now off you two go" they left and Tsuna turned to Reborn " is there anything you want to know?" Reborn nodded "are you dating Hibari? Does your father know about that? How well can you fight? Do you know what flames are? Can you speak any other languages? And what skills do you have other than fighting?" Tsuna giggled softly "Yes I am dating Kyo-chan He's 15, but he will be turning 16 in 10 days. I'm 17, but I will be turning 18 on October 14. Papa doesn't know and won't know till I tell him. I can fight, but in the state that I am in now it would he hard so I just carry this gun" Tsuna pulls out a handgun with a silencer. Reborn nods for him to continue "I do know what flames are and I can use my sky flames perfectly. I can speak English, Italian, Chinese, Hibari, French, and Spanish. I'm awesome at hacking, poisoning, torturing, acting, and maybe a little at seducing" Reborn chuckled "okay I think I might be able to get someone to heal your legs. I'm guessing its the nerves that got damaged right?"Tsuna nodded "thats what the doctors said" The chameleon on Reborn's hat changed into a phone before Reborn called someone "hello Shamal I need you to come to Japan and soon as possible" " And why do you need me in Japan Reborn?" Reborn just chuckled " I'm gonna need you to heal my student during his lessons and I need you to heal my student's older brother" The voice on the phone snorted slightly nefore answering "Reborn you know I don't treat men" Tsuna couldn't help, but growl. He took the phone and started yelling "I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T TREAT MEN. UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE HUNTED DOWN AND DRAGGED HALF DEAD OVER HERE, YOU BETTER HURRY AND BE HERE BY THE END OF THE WEEK OR I SWEAR I WILL TORTURE YOU SO HORRIBLY THAT IT'LL MAKE SATAN LOOK LIKE AN ANGEL." Reborn was speechless as he heard Tsuna yell threats to Shamal, but knew it was a good idea to take a video of this to use later. TsunA kept yelling at Shamal "IF YOU EVER DENY HEALING ANYONE I KNOW I'LL MAKE SURE TO CASTRATE YOU WITH A RUSTY SPOON SLOWLY WHILE RIPPING OUT YOU APART LIMB FROM LIMB SO THAT EVEN THE SEVEN LEVELS OF HELL SEEM LIKE A DAY IN THE PARK!!!!!!" When Tsuna was finished he was panting slightly. On the other side of the phone Shamal was pale before answering " Y-yes s-sir" He hung up and scrambled to get his stuff before booking the quickest flight to Japan. Lucky for Shamal one was leaving tommorrow and that today was a Tuesday. Tsuna the phone turn back into a chameleon and comfort him by licking his face. He smiled softly and petted the little creature "I'm okay little one. Just a little tired" Tsuna turned to Reborn " Ren-chan what's this guys name you never told me"Reborn tipped his fedora " his name is Leon and he is my partner" Tsuna nodded and picked up Reborn before smiling "Ren-chan can you come with me to do the shopping I have a feeling I'm gonna need to buy more food " Reborn nodded and they left for the store

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