"Dark?" I whimpered as I was trapped in Steros' unrelenting stare.

"I know, Jason," he replied as calmly as he could, "don't worry. I won't let him get you."

Dark sprinted faster, his long legs pushing us farther ahead. Soon the shadow dogs and their riders disappered from sight, and I let go of the breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

Suddenly, Dark stopped running and stumbled to place me down on the ground. He was panting and crouched down, leaning against a tree.

"Are you okay?" I asked and touched his shoulder. He looked so drained of energy.

"I'm.....fine, Jason. Don't....don't worry about me." Dark puffed.

He stood up to his full height, a stern look on his face. For once, his eyes showed no emotion. He turned his back to me, "You need to go. They're right on our tail."

"W-what?" My heart broke.

"I'll distract them for as long as I can while you keep running. I made sure we weren't too far from civilization. If you are careful and keep heading west, you'll reach a town by morning." He said as he raised his claws, ready to fight.

"No way," I shouted, "I'm not leaving you!"

He spun around, his eyes flaring. Dark yelled at me for the first time since I met him. "I am your guardian!" he yelled, "I swore to myself that I would protect you, whatever the cost! I intend to keep that promise!"

The pounding of footsteps thundered through the air as Steros and his men got closer. Dark shoved me away into the bushes.

"Dark?" I squeaked.

"Go, Jason," Dark ordered, "run. Run as fast as you can and DO NOT look back!"

The pack of shadow dogs and their riders came into view, Steros in the middle of them all. Dark growled fiercly, showing his sharp teeth and his deadly claws. I shrunk further into the bushes as Steros scanned the area, glancing in my direction then passing right over.

Then, I watched in horror as Dark lept at them, claws extending with a ferocious roar.


Several of the men shot off their guns and Dark went down in an instant! Smoke radiated off his body from the powerful electrical currents. As they surrounded him on all sides, Dark turned slightly to my hiding place with a pleading look, begging me to run.

And so I did.

Tears streamed behind me as I zigzagged through the trees. With my vision blurry with the tears, it was even more difficult to see where I was going.

Dark, what am I supposed to do now? I can't do anything on my own!

I stumbled on my way through the forest, struggling to keep my resolve. I heard shouting and knew that they were on my trail. I picked up the pace as best I could, but my feet where tired and hurt from tripping so many times.

The howling started up again as they got closer. I can't outrun these things!

What would Dark do in this situation? He would stand and fight, that's what he would do. But I can't do that. I'm not big, strong, or even fast. I'm just an 11 year old crybaby orphan boy. What does Dark expect me to do on my own? I couldn't even stand up to the bullies, who were also kids like me.

Besides, even if I make it to civilization, Steros will either find me or I'll go back to the orphange....I am NOT going back.

I skid to a halt and turn to face the direction I had come from. I don't care anymore! The only thing that's good in my life anymore is Dark! I am not leaving him behind!

The sound of the pack thundering towards me almost made turn tail and start running again. But I stood strong. The feeling I had when I was running with Dark returned, and I felt...powerful again.

Two shadow dogs came into sight, both with armed men riding them. I took a few steps back as they started to surround me, the shadow dogs growling as they waited for orders.

"S-stay back!" I warned, trying to sound authoritive.

"Give it up, boy," one man sneered, "you're coming with us. Steros' orders."

They slid off the backs of the shadow dogs and started walking towards me. I was beginning to shake, but a sudden calming presence enveloped me, giving me strength.

I could feel him. Like before, it was as if he was a part of me.

Instead of fear, I felt anger rise within me. The men got closer as I kept backing away, glaring at them.

"Come on, kid. Don't make this any harder on yourself."

"Yeah, we just wanna help you. Make sure you're safe and get you back home."

One of the men reached out to grab me, and at that moment, something snapped.

"I said, STAY BACK!" I shouted. As I pushed them away, a pulse of energy released itself from me and shot at the men and the shadow dogs. Everything went black for a moment, almost as if something else had taken over my body. When I came to, I saw that the men had been flung a few feet away from me and were now unconscious.

The shadow dogs stared at me with their glowing white eyes, no longer growling. One of them slowly walked up to me, bending down it's muzzle so it was face to face with me. It stared at me intently, showing no signs of hostility. Cautiously, I reached out and placed my hand on the top of its head. It made a noise that almost sounded like a purr as I rubbed its head.

Suddenly, I felt very weak and the world started to spin around me. Then, I collapsed.

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