Chapter 26

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"W-what sort of business?" I asked.

"Listen, Jason," he rose from his seat, "you're a smart kid, your grades show that, so I'm not going to soften things up for you."

Steros leaned against the side of the desk. I was trapped in his emotionless stare.

"You know what it's like for everything to be taken away from you. You lost your parents, your friends, your entire family, along with everything you took for granted. You saw everything you loved crumble away, out of reach, never to be seen again."

I clenched my teeth, "Get to the point, Steros."

He smirked slightly, "See? There it is. That new-found attitude, some might call it confidence."

It was slient for a moment. Then, Steros crossed his arms and tilted his head. "What do remember from last night?" he asked.

I opened my mouth to respond, but no words came out. I found that I didn't have an answer. I remember running with Dark, I remember him yelling at me, I remember watching him fall...

"Where's Dark?" I asked, "Is he alright?"

Steros gave a little huff, but answered, "We've managed to stablize him for now, but he's still unconcious. I was hoping you would give us a little insight on why that is."

Suddenly, his hand grabbed the back of my chair and his face inches from mine! I flinched at his quick movement and tried to steady my racing heart!

"Don't avoid the question," he glared, "How were you able to give concussions to two of my men without even touching them?"

"I-I-I don't k-know what you're t-talking about!" I stuttered.

Those terrifying eyes burned into mine, searching for the answer I didn't have. I was trapped, shaking in my seat, for what felt like hours but couldn't have been more than seconds.

Finally, Steros sighed and closed his eyes. He turned his back to me and started walking back to his desk. "Fine," he sighed, "it seems I'll have to go with Plan B."

"W-what's Plan-"

Steros pressed a button and the door opened, I expected to see Ian but instead it was a different man. This man had tattoos on his forearms and a face that seemed to be fixed in a permanent scowl.

Steros leaned back in his chair and ran his hands down his face. "Take him," he ordered.

I knew it was no use fighting, this guy's muscles were like twice the size of my head! I allowed him to grab my arm and pull me out of Steros' office.

I stumbled to keep pace with this ruff man as he practically dragged me down the hall to the elevator. Suddenly, we walked past a woman with black hair! I whipped my head around to look back at her and she stopped to look at me.

"H-holly!" I stuttered.

The man squeezed my arm in order to shut me up. I gave Holly a pleading look, silently begging her to help me. I saw the sadness in her eyes as we turned the corner.

After an uncomfortable ride in the elevator, I was once again dragged through the halls. He held onto my arm so tight that I was losing circulation. I didn't complain though because I was afraid of what he might do.

Finally, we passed through double doors labeled "Medical Wing". Suddenly, there was a bunch of people rushing around, and many people were talking at once! As I was trying to take it all in, I was picked up and placed on a gerny. Doctors were poking and prodding me as they wheeled me into another room.

Everything spirled into a whirlwind of activity! I tried to answer the questions the doctors asked, and didn't put up a fight as they examined me, when suddenly I was blinded by a bright light that was shined in my face! I wasn't prepared for that and ended up smacking the flashlight out of the doctor's hand.

That was a bad move because then everybody just went crazy. Two men tried to hold me down but this time I fought them with whatever energy I had left. I kicked and screamed in frustration, I cried out for Dark, and yelled in a blind rage!

I don't know how long I was like this, but at some point I felt a needle stick into my arm and I was overcome with drowsiness. I slowly stopped fighting as my anger melted away into numbness. Time slowed down, and I kept fading in and out of conciousness. I allowed nurses to strip me of my clothes, but I held onto my jacket until one of the nurses promised to give it back after my shower.

I was in a daze as people scrubbed my hair and cleaned my scrapped knees and hands. I tried to pull away a few times, mumbling that I could do it myself, but I don't think they heard me. After a while, their faces became blurred and their voices dulled. My eyes were growing heavier and I felt sick.

I wondered when the last time I ate was. I couldn't really remember, and I didn't really care. I didn't care about anything at the moment except going to sleep.

After my long shower, I was given new clothes, a pair of grey pants that were too long and a big white T-shirt. At some point I was given my red jacket back as promised, but instead of putting it on I just sort of hugged it.

I was then led into another room that looked like the white rooms I was held in before, but this one had a small bed and a window. I was picked up and laid in the bed. They tried to take my jacket from me to hang it up, but I clung onto it like a baby to its blanket. I guess they decided to leave it, so instead they just pulled the sheets over me.

I quickly fell asleep as the sun began to set into twilight.

Hey, I did this pretty quick didn't I? Now we shall be heading into the part that I really wanted to get to and I can't wait!
What do you think Steros is planning? What shall become of our lovable heros?
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