Chapter 14 First time for everything

Start from the beginning

"Hey there Johnny!" the bar tender turned and had a smile on his face. "Aw yeah now it's a party welcome back Ash!" they had a handshake. "Johnny I'd like you to meet one of my best buddies Damion, and guess what this is his first!"

"Well I'll be this is your first! Well I'll start you off with something small then but as for you Asher I'm guessing you want to get strait into it?!" "You know it bro start me off with a vodka! With two shots of blackberry syrup!" "You got it!" he started to make the drink. I was really surprised at how well he knew the bar tender and vice versa.

"Hey Ash how long have you been in the kingdom?" Ash took a long sip of his drink and set it down. "Aww yeah that's the stuff......hmhm....uhh I've been here for about 4 days." He said swirling his drink around. "And I'm guessing you've been here every day." "Yup" he finished his drink and slammed I on the table.

"Johnny boy another!" he was starting to sound drunk already that must be some really strong stuff.

"Here you are Ash and here you are Damion." He said sliding the glasses. "It's a marguerite not to much alcohol in there so it's a good starter drink." I took the glass, it was colourful and had an cute tiny umbrella. I took my first sip of alcohol and I was soooo good! Then I heard a click beside me.

I looked over to see Asher taking a picture of me. "My bud's first drink....! *hick* yeah.... Memorable moment if I remember tomorrow!" I smiled and took another sip of my drink, all this wasn't bad I'm not sure why I didn't try alcohol earlier.

"So! How does it taste?!" "It tastes great I don't feel like I really lived until I tried this....i feel like a real man." Asher was laughing his head off... after 3 drinks of vodka he was definitely drunk.

"Damion... bud your not man until...* hick* you have had a real man's driinnkk! That little marguerite is just the when you have *hick* Vodka now THAT! Is a real mans drink!" He was totally drunk and out of it. I finished my marguerite and felt ok I was definitely still sober time to take it to the next level! "Hey Johnny!" I called to him.

He walked over to me. "You ready for your next level drink?" I nodded. He started preparing the drink. "So how did you feel about the first one?" he asked. "Great! I still feel sober though." "Well this drink may knock you out of it a bit but its not to strong." He slid the drink to me.

"So what's this one called now?" I asked examining the drink "This one is called a mud slide it has chocolate and marguerite in it but its a lot stronger and it had crushed ice in it." " Ok thanks." "Lemme know when your ready for the next level."

I looked beside me to see Asher was gone. I looked at the crowd and saw him dancing with a whole bunch of women. I rolled my eyes and went back to my mud slide which was delicious it tasted like a milkshake but with alcohol! I put it down and enjoyed the music, the alcohol was starting to kick in...I felt kind of out of it but I was still there.

I heard someone sit down beside me. I just kept looking at my phone looking at pictures of Solenia and Luna.P, I smiled at the thought of them both. "Hi!" I heard a calm and sober voice say to me. I looked over to see a girl who was just about the same size as me, she had long blue curly hair and blue eyes and she had a white sun dress on.

"Hi." I said back trying to make conversation since my best friend left me to dance on the dance floor. "So I'm guessing this is your first time drinking." My eyes widened I was kinda freaked out that she knew that.... Unless its that obvious.

"Y-yeah how did you know?" "I can tell a lot by a person by looking at them." That sounded firmilliar.....huh...I can't put my finger on it. "It's ok it's my first time too." "Really?" she nodded. "Cool!" she laughed "Does have a name?" she said sipping her drink. I laughed she was funny.

"My name is none of your concern." "Oh well excuse me.... Ok if you want to play it like that I'll start..... my name is Paige." "Ok Ms Paige, is Ms Paige a princess or what?" I asked. I could feel the effects of alcohol setting in. I felt high as heck! "Yes I am a princess."

"Cool.... Well might as well introduce myself now, my name is Damion... King Damion!" "D-Damion?!..... wow I can't believe its you its been awhile." I looked at her in confusion I couldn't place her face...I mean maybe I could if I was sober but I'm not.

Plus I don't think I'm ready for the real stuff so I'm sticking with mud slides for the rest of the night. "You don't.... remember me?" "Uh are someone from my past?" "Well at least you remember that, we went to school together back in our past lives.

From 1st grade to 3rd grade but then I moved to another kingdom." I remembered and that is how I ended up becoming friends with Asher. "I do remember you.... Haha I used to call you A Paige in my book." "Hahaha yeah it was a stupid nickname.... But it was made by you so I loved it!" she held my hand.

I pulled it away slowly. "Anyway I must go.... But I will see you rule the kingdom of creation right?" "Yeah.... You can visit anytime." "Cool! Well bye I'll see you soon!" she said as she dissapered into the crowd.

I decided I had enough of all this I Didn't feel well anyway, I drank two more glasses of mud slides and went back to the castle. I walked into my room and jumped right on it. I showered and vomited a few times but after that I didn't remember anything else.

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