Chapter 7: Back to the gang

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"Oh,there she is. Now she is gone." Peyton said, he said it really strange.

"Isn't her locker right here?" Sabrina is obviously trying to avoid something.

"Yeah,I'll go talk her,it looks like she is going into the bathroom." Rowan said.

Sabrina's P.O.V.

When I was walking away from Alyssa and Bradley,I got pulled into a ditch that I pass every single day to go to school. To my surprise it was Taylor. Alyssa and Taylor are best friends. 

"What do you want Taylor?" I was annoyed of them.

"You have to stay away from Bradley" She said thinking I was scared of her.

"And why would I ?"

"Because you don't know what could happen to you"

"Oh,and you think I'm scared of you"

"You should "

"Give me one reason"

"Fine" She then kicked me in the gut with her humongous heels. It hurt more than I thought. She then punched me in the same spot. I knew that would leave a bruise.

"Now you know what will happen to you if you keep hanging out with Bradley" She said threatening me like I'm scared of her. I just rolled my eyes and walked away. When I walked into school I saw the gang together. Peyton saw me and I just gave him a half smile and walked away. I went straight to the bathroom to see what mark she gave me. Nobody was in there,because the bell just rang. I lifted up me shirt a little and I saw a huge purple bruise. "Great", I thought to my self.

"Oh my gosh, Sabrina what happened?" I knew it was Rowan.

"Nothing,I just feel down the stairs one to many times." I knew she didn't believe that.

"Really,please tell me what happened " Now she was worried,I could tell from her voice. I told her everything starting with Alyssa and Bradley. Her face was so shocked.

"Don't listen to them,you aren't hanging out with just Bradley. You are hanging out with me,Peyton, Corey, and Bradley." Rowan tried to lighten the mood.

"Yeah,I guess your right. Now let's go to class before we get in big trouble."

"You girls are late " Mr. Matthews said.

"Sorry,sir." Me and Rowan said.

"Don't be late again." Mr. Matthews was my favorite teacher.

"You okay?" Bradley whispered from behind me.

"Yep" I was lying .

~~~~~~~Skip to lunch.

"I thought we told you to stay away from Bradley " Taylor and Alyssa came walking over to me.

"She doesn't have to listen to you. And she isn't just hanging out with Bradley,she is hanging out with the gang." Rowan came to my rescue.

"Your gonna regret this " Finally they leave.

"Why were you guys talking to Taylor and Alyssa?" Because asked.

"They were trying to be cool." Rowan answered.


Sara's P.O.V.

"Hey Sara,can we talk?" A voice I never wanted to hear again said.

"What do you want,Peyton?" I didn't want anything to do with him.

"I need to talk to you."


"Taylor grabbed me and kissed me,I couldn't do anything. She has a really good grip and I couldn't let go. I never kissed her back. I would never hurt you on purpose. Please believe me. I love you and nobody else. Please forgive me."

"I forgive you, and I love you too." He then kisses me and of course I kissed back. 

Sabrina's P.O.V.

When I got home I saw Peyton Clark leaving the house.

"You better not hurt my sister or I will hurt you." I was serious when I said it.

"Don't worry,I won't. I promise." I could tell he wasn't lying.


A/N: Thanks for reading this book. I know it isn't the best,but I try. Thank you for the 90 something reads. At first I thought nobody was going to read it. This chapter was about 1,170 words,I will try to make them this long each time.

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