“Don’t try to sneak out tonight. I have nailed your window shut,” she says, calmly walking out of sight.

            I couldn’t believe what I saw. Large nails went all around the sides and bottom of the frame. She was clearly mad when she banged them into the wood, there were a few hammer dents and most of the nails were bent.

            “And Tyler will be taking the ladder back to the garage. So even if you could get the window to open, it’d be a long fall down. I’m sure you wouldn’t risk that, even just to see her,” she yelled, her voice traveling from right outside my door.

            Tears threatened to spillover as my eyes began to water. I thought about breaking the window and jumping over the railing of the balcony, just to spite her. “You’re wrong mom, I would jump. If it meant getting away from you, I hate you!” I kept my back to her as I stared at the window. I knew these words would hurt her, which is what I wanted, but I couldn’t bring myself to look in her direction.

            The sound of quick footsteps behind me told me she had stomped away. I didn’t care, I knew she was hurting, but so was I. She was going through a lot of trouble just to keep her reputation intact. Hiding me away from the neighbors, afraid of what her lesbian daughter will do to shame her next.

            I was so angry at her, but I refused to let myself cry over this. I knew she couldn’t keep me here.  There are other ways to sneak out of a house than just one window. There were several other options, like the backdoor, the window from Tyler’s room downstairs, and various other windows spread out through the house. I doubt she nailed them all shut, that would just be crazy. I just have to think of something.

When nightfall finally arrived, I decided that my plan was to sneak out of the house, through the front door this time. Bringing my key, of course. But I never got that far.

            Before I even had a chance to go through with it, my mom was at my bedroom door, yelling at me. Gripping a small single key of her own.

            “I can’t trust you anymore, Lisa. I don’t see any other way to keep you from seeing that girl.”

            “What’re you…” I can’t even finish my question as she pulls the door closed.

            “This is for your own good,” she says.

            I hear a clicking sound from the other side of the keyhole, and I know she just locked me in my own room. I curse the door for being one of those old timey ones with no button on the knob. The only way to unlock it would be with that very key she’s holding.

“Mom? Mom, please don’t do this.”

“I’m sorry, Lisa,” she said, not sounding sorry at all.

“You’re sorry? Then don’t do this! This has to be like child abuse or something. I’m not your damn prisoner!”

            “I will not have you tramping around with her anymore!”

“Tramping around? What the hell is tramping around? Open the door!” I scream, firmly grasping the handle and pulling with all my strength. I knew it was useless, but I had to try.

“I’ll be locking this door every evening. And you will not be leaving the house during the day either. Get use to it for the next few days. And look forward to a whole new list of rules when we move to Aunt Jeans.”

“You can’t do this!”

“I already have. We’ll talk in the morning.”

“I hate you!” I scream at her, throwing a hard kick at the door then yelping from the sharp pain that followed.

Just Close Your Eyes (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now