♦36♦ - The Commence

Start from the beginning

It also felt strange having people pack my clothes for me. A lot of the other models got their clothes packed too by their teams, which felt a little discomforting at first. Then I was given a bag I could actually use for my own personal things. Of course it was smaller.


All I managed were some old comics I needed to finish along with my dignity.

Mika was beyond used to it, making me wonder just how much he traveled. He sat through Beautification like it was nothing, reading and eating his fancy vegan foods like getting cleansed like that was nothing. Meanwhile, my second waxing felt like I was being personally petted by Satan's hand. He had to sit through it with me, tell me "not to be a baby."

Preparation week flew by like wind. Last night, however, seemed to be slowed down for memory.

We sat up on the rooftop again, not seeing many stars. We saw the moon, which was enough. He held me while we espied in silence, and that memory was forever imprinted in my brain. It was the most peaceful I had ever felt in my life. Even in the city, hardly a car drove by in that moment. The city was dim, only with its nightlight of the bright, blaring moon. I kept telling myself I'd never forget that memory.

He told me a funny story about him as a kid, before he went to sleep. His mother and him went to a pool together, and people kept mistaking him for a girl because he had long hair. I was confused at first, imagining he would've been shirtless to separate from the confusion.

It was one of those "mommy-kid swim" things, where the kids could be completely butt naked.

Now I was even more confused. Wouldn't it be even more noticeable? With everyone's junk out?

"I was like, four... Extremely late bloomer." He admitted softly, making me erupt into laughter.

"Mika, I'm sure everyone there was late."

"Yeah, but I was the latest. Luckily, I did not care about those things when I was little. Neither did my mother. She was just happy I was not drowning."

The thought of a baby Mika swimming cheerfully with his mother without a care in the world with his lil' ding-a-ling out was a happy memory for him, so it was a happy memory for me. Plus it was goddamned hilarious.

I couldn't wait to meet his mother one day. She was the most beautiful woman in his life.

Now, present day at 5 AM, it was taking everything within Mika not to fall asleep on me in the lobby on the couch.

"Do you want a coffee?" I asked, nuzzling against him.

"Hmmmmmhhh..." he replied. I wasn't sure if that was a yes or no, so I waited for him to give me some sassy response if I reacted or not.

He did doze off on me for a good ten minutes, where I just watched him a bit. He was wrapped in a jacket but he still looked like he was freezing his butt off. I chuckled, holding him tighter.

Well, he wasn't sleeping any further until excited squeals came racing behind us from the couch. We both flinched as we were bathed in kisses from the team. I still hadn't learned their names...

"Good morning! Morning loves!"

There were at least ten remarks on the bags under our eyes. We could hardly sleep last night, too interested in each other's old stories. We were lucky to consider ourselves granted with four hours of sleep.

"Hmm," Mika replied, rubbing his eyes as he lazily hugged them back. I smiled, returning the suffocating hugs.

"Limousine is just round the corner! Come on babies!" I decided to call those four Skittles. They were always colorful and never failed to make me happy.

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