Whoops, Sorry

50 3 1

Phil POV

Beep beep beep

My alarm went off, because I had to go to work. I always set it early so i do not have to run around and rush in yhe morning. I get put of bed and look through my colorful closet to try and find clothes to wear. I decide on a green and blue jumper and black skinny jeans.

I walk into the kitchen to eat breakfast. Wheaties, my favorite. After I finish eating, I go water all of my house plants so they don't die. I walk out of my lonely flat and get ready for my 20 minute cab journey to The Cat Cafe, where I work. It is located in a cute little square in London with cute little shops.

"Good morning!" Laurie, my co-worker says to me. "Morning! How are you on this fine Monday?" I ask. "Pretty good! I had a date this weekend with Jim." She says as she starts blushing. "Tell me everything!" "Well, we went to his house and had Nandos, then watched all of the star wars." "THAT IS BEAUTIFUL!" I attacked Laurie with a hug. "Could you go put the cat food in their bowls? They are running out." Laurie asked me as she started getting the coffee maker ready. "Okay."

After I'm done with work, I start walking on the pavement to the market to buy food. I look down at my phone to see who texted me, as I run into a tall, tan man with dark hair and brown eyes "whoops, sorry." I say to him, feeling my cheeks turn red of embarrassment. "It's okay," he responds and we both head on our way.


I wake up late, after hitting my snooze button three times. Oh god, I have five minutes to get dressed, do my hair, and eat, I think to myself. I sprint through my flat trying to get ready in time for work. I straighten my hobbit hair, eat a bowl of lucky charms, the most unhealthy cereal on this esrth, and find a black jumper and black skinny jeans that i will wear today. They are dirty, but they smell okay, so I slip them on and run out of my flat to try to catch the tube. I make it on the underground 30 seconds before the doors close.

I make it to work with 5 minutes to spare. I work in a clothing store in a little square in London. "Wow, are you early Daniel Howell? This is the first time in ever!" My co-worker and friend, PJ says to me. "Shut up," I jokingly respond. "Should I start changing the mannequins?" Yeah, I'll go fold clothes." PJ responds.

After a long and busy day stacking jumpers, trying to calm mad mums, and standing at the register, I am ready to go home. I start walking down the street, when I notice a colorful bird sitting on the pavement. I keep walking, while looking at the bird, and I bump into a guy with black hair and blue eyes. "Whoops, sorry." He says, as he blushes. "It's fine," I respond as I walk away.

Sorry I have been so inactive. I'll try to post more, hopefully once a week. If you have any suggestions, message me, and I'll consider them! Love you all! >•<

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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