"A-Ai-kun?" Lily looked into Ai's eyes and
wondered why. Though she is starting
to get used with Ai holding her hand.

"Lily, do you want to hang out with me today?"
Ai asked her but still, like usual, expressionless.

"Hang out..? Where? Why?" Lily asked.

"Do you not want to? Do I need a reason to be
 with Lily? We can go anywhere you want to have fun..
 But for me, anywhere with Lily is fun."

Ai said as his expression went into "sad mode".

"H-Hey don't look so sad, it's not like that, of course I
 want to and no, you don't need a reason. I also want
 to be with Ai-kun after all... so if you want to go with me,
 it's okay with Lily."
Lily tried to change his mood and
 finally accepted his offer.

"Really? Then let's go! I don't know but.. I think I
 am happy to hear that."
Ai said as he smiled and dragged Lily outside.

"W-Wait Ai-kun! I'm not prepared.. my face,
 my hair, my clothes, everything's a mess!
 You're an idol now so I should atleast
 dress up.."
Lily said and stopped Ai from walking.

"What do you mean? I don't see a mess at all." Ai
 placed his hands on Lily's cheeks as he faced her.

"It's okay, Lily. Everything is okay. You are perfect.
 Shall we go now? I want to be with Lily."
Ai said and smiled.

"O-Okay.. thank you Ai-kun.." Lily thanked Ai
and started to walk with him. "(That's not true.. Ai-kun..)"

The two of them walked around the streets,
it was evening and the city lights were pretty.
They were having so much fun.

"Lily! Look at that!....thing..? That's a.. cat.. right..?"
Ai pointed to a cat and asked Lily to be sure.

"Yes it is, Ai-kun. It's very cute, isn't it?" Lily knelt
down with one knee and stroked the cat as it was being
sweet to Lily. "There, there, lovely kitty."

"C-Cute.. Y-Yeah it is. I've studied and learned about
 cats.. but it's my first time to see one up close.. But
 aren't cats supposed to be shy and somehow aggressive..?
 this one is so close to humans......"
Ai explained with
a very curious and wondering expression.

"Like humans, not all cats are alike. There are some
 who are different and are close to humans. Come on,
 you can touch her."
Lily smiled at Ai and asked him
 to touch the cat.

"Will it bite me? I know cats bite sometimes.."
 Ai asked with a worried expression.

What Is Love? [UtaPri: Ai Mikaze Fan Fict]Where stories live. Discover now