Chapter 2

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Alyssa's Pov

I cleared the table and put Mitch on it. Master came in not a minute later and strapped him down. "Aj, I have never done this experiment, so we don't know if he will survive or not. I hope you didn't cling to him during the trip." She explained.

"Yes master, I understand." I gave a small frown. I didn't want to tell her, but just by looking at Mitch, I developed a crush on him. Even though I'm the first experiment, and Masters side apprentice, I didn't want him to go though this pain, the pain is the worst thing you could ever go though.

"Ok, get my stuff" she said.

"Yes Master."

I grabbed her tools, and I laid them on the desk. She double strapped Mitch down. "Um, Master is that necessary?" I asked fearing for his Health.

"AJ! If I told you once I told you a thousand times! This is my first experiment of this test! We both know that he might not survive!" She yelled.

"Ok..." I mumbled.

I looked away as she torn his flesh away. He woke up as soon as she touched him, he screamed in pain, trying to get off the cuffs and restraints. I couldn't look any longer.

"Um Master." She didn't reply.

"Um Master!" I said louder over the screams of pain.

"Yes Aj?"

"I'm gonna go out to my cell." I said.

"Ok Aj! When I call you better come!" She said over the screaming.

I nodded and left to my cell. I opened the door with my keys and laid down on the little cell bed. And I closed my eyes.

Mitch's Pov

Pain, pain was spreading all over my body, I couldn't stop shaking. "Jerome! Someone! Please help me!" I screamed.

I blacked out halfway though and woke up again, again pain.

Alyssa's Pov

"AJ, come take Mitch!" Master yelled.

I got up and walked back to the lab to see the cutest thing known to mankind. Mitch was already short but the tests made him smaller, he had a long, LONG brown tail with two large brown ears at the top of his brown hair. I picked him up princess style and carried him to the cell, laid him in a cell bed. And went back to sleep.

I yawned rubbing my eyes as I heard small crying in the conner. I looked over at the bed that Mitch was on earlier, but now he was sitting in the conner crying.

I carefully got up and started walking towards him. His ear twitched, knowing I was there.

"I'm a monster..." He mumbled.

"No your not, you never were." I told him.

"How did I get here?" He asked his back still turned.

"We brought you here, we need you."

"For what! All I am is a monster! No one will accept me! Not even my friends!" He yelled at me.

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