Chapter 6 | Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Okay, your turn." 

Vincent was quiet. "It's okay babe." I visibly stiffened at Claire's words. I was confused at why, but I did. She rubbed her hand along his shoulder. I looked away and focused on the loose threads in the carpet.

"I do not like when people touch me." 

His voice was deep and rugged. Claire let out one of her dainty gasps. Vincent shrugged her hand off him and glared at her. "Meaning you."

The room was silent for a few moments till Mrs. Meadow opened her yap again. "Okay. Good progress. Now, please just spread off and talk with one and other." 

I didn't make any movement to get out of my seat, but mostly everyone else did. Claire looked hurt and moved away from Vincent to go chat with some other guys. Vincent stayed in his seat, being his normal brooding self.

I nearly fell out of my seat when a hand grabbed my shoulder. 

I looked behind me and saw Tucker. "What?" I snapped. I was still angry at him for ignoring me. "Are you mad?" he asked sheepishly. 

I have never seen someone who was so tough on the outside be so soft on the inside. 

"What do you think?" I countered back to him. 

"I'm sorry." he mumbled, taking a chair and sitting behind me. "Why did you ignore me?" I asked the question I had been wandering for the past few days. He glanced away and I saw him looking at Naomi who sat alone in a corner, messing with her hair. 

"Is Naomi mad?" I asked him. 

Tucker quickly shook his head. "She is . . . concerned." His words were vague and hardly explained anything. "About what?" I threw my hands up in frustration. "You can't argue with the fact you got high, tried to attack Jake and have been acting well, bad." Tucker looked me in the eyes. 

I leaned in closer. 

"Your in Juvy Tucker. Sorry for acting bad, but I'm not in here for being a Goodie-Two Shoes." I was being honest with him because I couldn't lie about this. "Are you with Vincent?" 

I looked over Tucker's shoulder to see Naomi standing thee with a fidgety look. "Naomi, I said not to talk about that." Tucker scolded. I frown, looking between the two. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Are you with Vincent? Romantically or in his plan?" Naomi clarified. I was utterly confused. What were they talking about. I guess I should answer if I wanted them as friends again. "No, I don't like him like that. I don't know what plans you mean, but -"

"See Naomi? I told you." Tucker interrupted.

She didn't buy whatever he was trying to sell to her. "What is she is lying? Vincent is attached to her." she kept her eyes on me. I got even more upset how they spoke like I wasn't there. "Excuse me? Care to explain?" 

"Like you don't already know." she sneered. 

I had seen how harsh Naomi could be, but it was different being on the receiving end of her fire. I flinched. "Naomi." Tucker pushed her lightly. She sighed and looked away, like she was really tired. "You don't believe me?" I looked at Tucker for support. 

But even his eyes were doubtful. 

"Fine." I stood up. "I'll prove it to you." Tucker's eyes widened and Naomi looked appalled. "What?" she gasped. 

I quickly got up and stomped over to Vincent. Taking a seat in the open chair, I looked at him. He didn't face me at first, so I only saw the side of his face. "Pardon." I said in a even voice. I couldn't anger him or else I couldn't prove it to Naomi and Tucker. 

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