He walked away so i continued the search, don't worry Valerie I'll find you

Valerie pov

Duke sebastion is so slow

Me: come on sebastion how old are you

Duke: same as you valerie you know its very unlady like for a women to a race a man

Me: and its very un manly like to suggest the whole idea in the first place

Duke: i know i know plus your kicking my ase so lets go back shall we

I gasp dramatically

Valerie: duke sebastion watch you tongue

Duke: only around you my lady only around you

We walk back to the front of his garden and walk around

Me: duke sebastion i hear your visiting the poor people

Duke: yes i am my father is making me to if you would like you may tag along make fun of the poor people

I laugh at this I was about to reply but my father showed up

Father: where shall you two be going

Duke: everest, daggerhorn, shill.......etc

Father isn't going to let me go if daggerhorn is in the mix

Father: in that order

Duke: i guess so

Father: im sorry but valerie will not be attending you on this trip ive heard of this daggerhorn and they believe there village is plagued by a werewolf i do not want my daughter near that environment

I chuckled and looked at duke sebastion

Duke: i understand after what you said i believe i might go inside their town for a mere few minutes

Father: that would be better

Duke: i will see you my lady when i get back

He toke my hand and pecked it then i bowed standard behavior if only Peter could see me know

Father: my dear i am sorry about not letting you go but we can not let them know that you are alive its only been a few months

I nodded

Me: i know father you better get going you dont want to be late for the meeting about ridding us of the wolfs

I smirked and so did he

Father: yes my dear i must get going

he left me alone in the dukes garden so i might as well have a stroll into to the woods. It was refreshing but there is always a balance

Hunter: halt werewolf

I turn be put my innocent face on

Valerie: me a werewolf are you mad

Work work

Hunter: i know you are a werewolf and im going to kill you

Great father said not to show strength then it will give them evidence wait for me. I start running in a direction i have no idea where it goes to buy i have no choice.
A few days later I reach a certain woods this seems familiar then i see him i see peter great

Peter: valerie

He starts walking towards me i turn around only to see the hunter right behind me

Me: damn it if only Peter wasn't here, he was about to kill me when peter killed him

Peter: are you alright

I really have to go

Valerie: yes im fine thank you for your help

I bow and peter looks at me strange what oh right I'm acting different than he remembers

Peter: valerie what happened to you your voice your clothes the way you walk and you just bowed

Me: of course i am a lady excuse me i must get back to father before he worries

He grabs my wrist

Peter: valerie you cant hes the wolf

So am I

Me: let me go

Peter: your coming back to town

And he starts dragging me back to daggerhorn what my father feared has happened back to the poor people i go how will mama react when she sees me in my new life hmm

I put the deeted scenes of the movie uo there so you can see the gathering scene
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