Hesitating for one second before taking it back, he raised both of his thick eyebrows at me, making me blink thrice as many times as before―to be honest, I'm not even capable of deciphering my own emotions at the moment, much less trying being a smartass about attempting interpreting his. 

Swiftly folding his arms across his chest, he looked away for a split second before looking right back at me, sending my once jumbled up emotions being sorted out; flying from place to place up in my head.

How am I going to "change" him if he's already affecting me so damn much? I just―goddammit. 

Just keep whatever you have goingconsider that a façade to be worn the whole time around him.

"Here's me giving you one last chance to change your mind about coming on tour with me, just to change me―or something along the lines of that," shrugging his shoulders, he reached his hands up to his hair, letting his fingers get lost in the midst of them; snickering when he noticed my slight reactions to his intense gaze.

Refusing to let him succeed at making me feel uneasy anymore, I raised my head up high before connecting our gazes―making sure he could literally smell my confidence bursting in air―as I flashed him a beam.

"Very well," I began, pulling my lower lip out the moment its corners curved downwards to a slight curl, "I know I've made the right choice, so. . . thanks for the offer, but no thanks."

"You do know it won't be easy handling someone like me, don't you?" He blew out air from his nostrils as a corner of his lips twitched upwards. Pursing his lips in a little bit, I figured I should have a little fun with him by playing his game.

I pulled out the smirking card.

"You do know it won't be easy to even try phasing someone like me, don't you?" I drew in a sharp breath, taking a step forward. Because we are in public, just because we are in public, I thought. I will not make any physical contact with him unless someone sees. 

"Then I guess we'll both have to even out our differences," he chuckled darkly, causing the hair on the back of my neck to rise, "won't that be just fun?

And before I knew it, he had his arms thrown around my lower waist with the proximity of our chests just big enough to let a thin sheet of paper to slide through and between us. I gasped quietly at how  quick his actions were, before noticing how my hands had suddenly flown their way up to his really, really, really toned chests.

"Hm, you're really comfortable," he cooed next to my ear in a hushed tone, making me squeeze my eyes shut so that I could hold myself back from doing anything stupid, namely, pushing him all the way back to the middle of the busy road (well, it's empty considering it's freaking five-thirty in the morning now), and screaming his head off with profanities.

Laughing it off, I allowed my hands to slide up his chest in the most seductive way ever before he decided to drop his arms from my body as though I was a heated metal rod that had just burnt him, at the same time taking a step big enough for hands to fall straight forward having nothing to support against anymore.

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