#1 You Faint

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Liam: The summer heat was scorching, it was as if the blazing sun was trying to peel off your skin. You had been standing outside for about two hours, waiting for your boyfriend and his band-mates to be done signing CD's for the fans. It had been a long day and you could feel yourself sweating; not only was the day extremely warm, but you were surrounded by about a thousand fans, whom were trying to get autographs from the boys. You started walking around a bit, looking for a place where you could get water, when you started to feel very lightheaded. Your vision started blurring and before you knew it you had passed out, falling down on the hard concrete floor. When you woke up, your boyfriend was sitting next to you. You noticed you were laying on a soft bed, "Where are we? What happened?" You croaked out. "You fainted. The nurse says it was the heat." Liam kissed your forehead, "I left the signing to bring you to the hospital babe, you really scared me this time." Liam added as you sighed. "You left the signing? Liam...." You sighed. "You're my priority, love. I couldn't stay at the signing not knowing if you were well or not." He smiled, leaning down to kiss you.

Louis: You were out at the park with your boyfriend, Louis, and his band-mates. Since it was summer season, and since the day had been quite bright and rather warm, you had all planned to play some football at the park. You were cheering the boys and clapping as your boyfriend made some goals, when you suddenly started to feel really uncomfortable. You noticed the sun was blistering hot, and you couldn't help but feel really nauseous. You drank some water and tried to keep calm, but your stomach started to affect you as well. You felt as if you were passing out, and before you could help it, your eyes closed. When you woke up, you felt disconcerted,unaware of what had happened. Louis was hovering above you, yelling at everybody else to get back, "Move back! She needs air lads! Move back!" He insisted, pushing everybody away from you. "Do you feel okay, babe?" He lifted your head up gently as everybody watched. He placed your head on his lap and brought a water bottle to your lips. Louis helped you take sips from the bottle, moments later helping you up and quitting the game in order to take you home.

Niall: You were out with Niall, supporting him as he and his band-mates completed an interview with a very famous TV show. You sat in the audience, smiling and clapping along, when you started to feel somewhat queasy. Since the room was filled with many people, and there seemed to be no air conditioner, you knew the heat was getting to you. The air was quite humid, and you felt as if you couldn't breath properly. You didn't want to bring any attention to yourself, but you couldn't take the discomfort anymore. You stood up slowly, trying to get up to go to the nearest bathroom, when you suddenly felt out of it all. When you opened your eyes again, you were laying in your bed at home, with Niall sitting next to you. "Princess! You're awake!" He sighed heavily, kissing your forehead. "What happened?" You felt confused. "You fainted due to heat exposure. I left the interview early, to take you to the hospital and then to bring you home." He smiled as you breathed in slowly. "Never scare me like that again. You don't know how horrible I felt when you fell down."

Harry: You sat out in the patio, at Harry's home, watching as the boys goofed around inside the pool. It was quite a fiery-hot day, and the sun was burning up your skin as you sat watching your boyfriend swimming around. You felt so out of energy, you did not even want to swim with them. You had no idea what was happening to you, until your stomach started turning up and down. You felt rather dizzy, and started to get up from your seat, when you felt two hands wrap around you as you started to fall down. When you woke up, which only took you two minutes, you were laying down near the pool, watching as the boys hovered above you. Harry was holding your hand, brushing your hair away from your face, "Do you want me to take you to the doctor, babe? Are you all right?" He seemed pretty worried, his hand shaking, holding tightly to yours.

Zayn: "Babe, are you okay?" Zayn grabbed your hand as you both walked out of the airport. He had just returned from his tour, and you had driven there to pick him up. As you walked out hand in hand, a million fans walking behind you, you felt the weather turning for the worst. The day was quite humid, the sun was sending heat waves all around you; you felt as if you were losing control of yourself. "I asked if you're okay?" Zayn said again, this time, you shook your head and immediately collapsed in his arms. You had passed out due to the heat, and once you woke up, you noticed the security guards keeping back the fans, as Zayn and the boys formed a circle around you. You were laying on his lap as he kissed your hands, "Don't worry, boo, a doctor is on his way. We're not moving from this airport until you feel completely okay."

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