Part One.

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"Are you sure we should do this?" Max asked, twirling her blonde hair in her fingers.

"Why not? No ones here this late." I shrugged as I played with the lock on the side door.

We were waiting outside the local amusement park in the dead of night. Well...when I say waiting outside, I mean trying to breaking inside the place.

I had two bobby pins in the cheap lock trying to get the door open. I having no luck though, I'm not a super bad ass ninja, I'm a girl. Although I wish I was a ninja.

"Let me see the hammer." I whispered to Max. She took the backpack she had on off and pulled a hammer out, handing it to me.

"Okay..get ready for this." I giggled. I took the hammer and slammed it against the door knob. Well, that shit was easy! Were in!

"What the hell, Presley?!" Max yelled in my ear as we entered the place.

"I know! Wasn't that cool?" I smiled at her. Looking around the place, I realized it was way bigger than I thought. Why the hell don't they have security there? There was a ferris wheel, rollercoaster and a bunch of other rides. This is great!

"Come on, let's go to the rollercoaster!" I cheered like a little kid.

"Oh my god! Look at this!" Max yelled. I turned around and she had a huge teddy bear in her hands. The thing was bigger than her.

"Holy shit." I mumbled. "Lets have a little fun!" I yelled as I turned on the rollercoaster. The lights lit up and some music started play. This is great! Until someone calls the cops.

"Woohoo!" Max cheered the rollercoaster, still holding the teddy bear in her arms.

"Max.....look at that.." Max turned around to see what I was looking at. It was a little golf cart for the employees. "I'm driving!!" I practically screemed, running towards the cart,Max was following.

I jumped in the drivers seat and max got in the passengers seat, stuffing the bear in the back. I started the cart and took off. I raced around all the rides and food stands. Nearly crashing every turn. I can't drive worth shit.

" you hear that?" Max said just above whisper. I stayed quite and listened. Fucking police sirens! Shit! Shit!

We bailed the car but Max still had to take the stupid bear. We ran to a near corner as we heard the sirens getting closer and closer. As we stood in the cornor, there was no way Max could stop laughing, I don't know why she was laughing. This isn't funny! Okay, sorta funny.

"Freeze!" A mans voice shouted, shit. We're caught.

We both immediately put our hands up and walked out of the dark corner. Max still hold the bear, like a fucking idiot.

Two guys ran over to us and hand cuffed us but she still dragged the bear along with her. They didn't say a word until we reached the two police cars and started questioning us.

"How did you two get in here?" A taller, bald man asked.

"I thought it was open, the sign said open." I smiled at the guy, in return he rolled his eyes but I got a laugh out of Max.

"You think this is funny? Its not." He looked pretty pissed but it was pretty funny.
"Is there any weapons in this bag?" He held up the backpack. We both shook our heads.

The other officer started going through the bag "okay..we have a hammer...gum...light bulb and nunchucks?.." The guy help up a pair of black nunchucks. Why does she have nunchucks?

"Okay, you girls are under arrest for trespassing and destroying private property. I need your names." The bald one stated.

"I'm Max Simon." Max said laughing, with the teddy bear still in hand.

"Umm...Presley Quinn." I gigled but he wasn't amused, at all. Not a crack of a smile.

"Presley Quinn, yeah? Is your father William Quinn?" The shorter guy stepped back up. How did he know my dad?

"Yep.." I stood uncomfortably.

"We were overseas together, where is he nowadays?" He smiled but I didn't. I looked down at his name tag, its was officer J. Cruz....I don't remember him.

"He's died last month." I shrugged, I don't like talking about his death or any death period.

"I'm sorry to hear. He was a great man." He sadly smiled.

"Time to go to jail now." This bald dudes just a douche, huh?

They put us in the back of one of the police cars.

"Hey sir! Can I have the teddy bear?" Max asked sweetly after they took it from her but they just shut the door on her.

The was a guy sitting in the front seat. He wasn't a policeman, he was too young but cute as hell!

"Why you here?" I mumbled to the guy. "Drugs?....trespassing?....prostitution? You're a prostitute, aren't you?" Looked at him wide eyed.

"Uh, umm no. My dads the cop." He looked kind of scared. He had brown hair and bright green eyes. Dayum!!!

"Your not cool." Max huffed out. "Can I have my nunchucks! They're expensive, ya know!" She is dead serious about her nunchucks right now. They are pretty cool though.

"You go to East Lake High, right?" I asked the boy in from of me.

"Uh, yeah?" He stated but it was more like a question.

"OMG!! Me too, man!" I kinda screamed and he jumped a bit and so did Max.

"You go to our school!!" Max yelled finally getting what's going on.

"Yeah" he chuckled.

"What's your name?!" Max yelled in his ear.

"Max! Shut up. He can hear you just fine!" I yelled back at her.

"I'm Carter Jefferson. What about you guys?"

"I'm Maxine Simon but call me Max!" She said trying to shake his hand but forgot about the handcuffs.

"Presley Quinn." I smiled.

"I've heard that name before." Carter mumbled.

"Yeah, I bet you have." I smiled.

This might be entertaining.


Hey guys!!! Hope its not too bad of a chapter! Its going to get better!!

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Thank you! -pinkxxcocaine

This chapter was edited by Dreamy-Harold

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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