Funny Moment 162

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Naruto: "Hey look! AM A BOOGER!!!"

*Later on that day*

*Naruto runs into the Hokages office*

Tsunade and Shizune: "Huh?"

Naruto: "I've seen some dirty tricks in my time, but this takes a kink!" He said to Tsunade.

Tsunade: "Listen you the least you could do is knock before you come barging in here." She said to him.

Naruto: "Yeah yeah never mind that! What do you mean by taking every cent the poor guy has and then refusing to do his mission for him!"

Tsunade: "Huh?"

Naruto: "You outta be ashamed of yourself Grandma Tsunade! YOU'RE A BIG FAT CHEAT!" He said to her

Tsunade: "You want to try that again!" She said

*punches Naruto*

Naruto: "OWW! NEVER MIND SORRY!! OWWW!" He said in pain.

Tsunade: "Idiot! Who said I refused his mission."

Naruto: "Oh I see you weren't cheating on him. You were just waiting for Neji to return from his mission he's on." He said

Tsunade: "That's right you little jerk!"

Naruto: "Hehehe oops."

Tsunade: "So Neji is finishing a mission with Lee. Meanwhile, find Tenten and get ready and Neji is going as squad leader. Got it!"

Naruto: " Yeah." He said

Shizune: "By the way did your friend tell you the details to the mission?" She whispered to Naruto

Naruto: "Well not exactly."

Tsunade: "Their land is being haunted."

*Naruto gulps*

Naruto: "By what?" He said afriad.

Tsunade: "They call it the cursed warrior. A ghost that wears white armor in the dead of night. Or so they say. Huh?" She said while looking for Naruto

Naruto: "Oh uhh it's nothing I just thought you said something about a ghost that's all." He said even more afraid.

Tsunade: "Yeah I did. What wrong you're scared or something?" She asked.

Naruto: "Course not, what kind of ninja would I be if I was scared of that?" He said while shaking.

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