Taken away part 1

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I started to panic when I heard people coming up the stairs. What did my mom do? I figured running from this would only make it worse so I waited for whoever was coming for me. A few seconds later, three men in all white came into my room.

"Are you Larry Bourgeois?" The biggest man asked.

"Who else would I be?" I said, scoffing. "My twin brother is dead."

"Okay..." The biggest man started talking again. "We're here to take you to a health facility because one of your relatives is worried about your mental health." The two smaller men grabbed me by my arms.

I knew they were talking about my mom. I couldn't believe she did this. What was she thinking? They took me down the stairs into a white van that read, "Moore's health hospital." What kind of idiot comes up with this stuff? I thought you had to go to a health facility. Now they have a car that comes and picks you up!

They put me in the back of the van that had six white, cushioned seats and walls. I chose a random seat to sit in as we drove away. There weren't any windows so I had no idea where we were going. I thought about what happened. The one thing that surprised me the most is that I didn't want to run away for this. Weird. Maybe I did want to come with them, just to get away from reality. Then the thought of being in a mental hospital didn't sound so bad.

What is wrong with me?

We finally got to what I assumed was the hospital because it was completely white. The two smaller men came to the back of the van to escort me out. The doors opened automatically when we walked in. I expected it to be loud inside, but it was very quiet. Maybe a little too quiet.

They put me in a room that looked similar to the van, minus the comfy chairs. "You'll be staying here for a few days." One of the smaller men said. "If everything goes well, you should be out in less than a week. Stay strong, Larry." The man walked out of my room and I was left alone with only my thoughts to accompany me.

This shouldn't be so bad, I thought. At least this isn't torture or anything. I heard a knock on my door and a lady in all white came in. She gave me pills and I took all of them willingly. When she walked out she looked blurry, and before I knew it, I passed out on the floor.

Hi guys! I just wanted to say happy new years eve and that there will be a second part to this chapter updated today. Depending on how it goes, there might be another chapter updated today as well. I want to thank you for reading my book and supporting it! I hope you enjoy!!! :D

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