The Weekend

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I wake up around 11 and go up the stairs. I see the twins big dresser in the middle of the kitchen and my parents trying to move it. Well, not really. My dad is trying to pick it up and my mom is just standing there complaining about how it's too heavy. Which of course causes my dad to fire back about how she never does anything. My mom sees me, walks over, and tugs me by my arm to where she was once standing, complaining.

"Get Victoria to do it!" My mom screams before walking away frustrated.

My dad sighs "Could you help me carry this to the twins room?"

"Sure." I say. We carry it to the rwins room and I look to see that we have more furniture against the wall.

"Need help with that?" I say pointing to the rest of the furniture.

"Oh," my dad says looking at the furniture. "Sure." We end up moving all the furniture to the correct rooms. My dad goes over to his desk and starts to work. That's not good. Whenever my dad works on the weekend, he's upset, or mad. Whatever. I go to the bathroom to take a shower and run downstairs to get dressed. I go upstairs to make a sandwich and I hear my parents fighting. Again. I peep my head into their bedroom where they're fighting and they see me.

"Yes?" My mother says cooling down.

"Well, umm---" I say

"WHAT IS IT!?" My dad says frustrated.

"Someone needs to drive the twins to their playdate." I say a little shy.

My mother sighs. "Go get them into the car."

"Ok" I say rushing out of the room, into the twins room. I see them playing with their toys.

"Nancy? Nick?" I say and they look up.

"Time to go!" Nancy says excited.

"Yes," I say back, pack your toys and put on some shoes. Nancy and Nick rush out of their room. I can understand. They finally have some friends that are twins like them. It would be nice after having friends that aren't like you. I get them ready and out the door amd hop in the drivers seat. Finally some practice. I didn't really get much practice at my old home after starting Drivers Ed. My mom comes out and hops in the seat. We go to the twin's friend's house and begin to drive home.

"I cannot believe him!" My mom blurts out. I know who she's talking about my dad. Great. Here comes more complaining.

"I try to be so nice! But he is just so! So! UGH!"

"It's okay m-" I say just as she begins to cry. "Mom? You ok?"

"I-it's just I t-try so hard!' My mother says in tears. "Your father!" She says "I try so hard to make him happy!"

"Mom..." I cut in. "Maybe it's not all dad's fault." Did I really just say that? Uh Oh.

My mom lets out a long sigh before starting.

"I-I know." She says as we pull into the driveway. Phew, she didn't yell at me. We climb out of the car and go inside. Natalie and her friend are finally up and getting food. Mark is fussing with dad trying to calm him down. I go downstairs and move some furniture around until I'm happy with my room and jump online. Me and the guys play on Minecraft together awhile and I get bored.

"We should go do something." I state

"Like?" Max asks.

"I don't know." I say realizing that since Max is in middle school. I've never seen him before.

"How about mini-golf?" Danny asks.

"Where would one be?" I ask

"Newbie needs to know her way around town." Kevin jokes. Everyone laughs.

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