The Favor

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~Tara's POV~

It's been about a week since Derek caught me. That also means I'll be ungrounded in just a few days. Last night at dinner, my parents told us that they are going away for the weekend with my older brother, Stan, on a college trip. Andrew has also decided to go away for the weekend. He's going to visit our dad. That leaves me at home with my three step-brothers. This won't be such a bad weekend. They won't pay attention to me so I can do whatever I want.

I get to school and find Zayn at his locker. "Hey Zayn." "Hi Tara. What's up?" "Nothing much but my parents and two of my brothers are going to be gone this weekend. So I can hang out." "Sweet. As far as I know there isn't a party tonight but we can hang out with the guys." "Sound good." We continue to talk as we head to class. The day goes by really fast because next thing I know, it's lunch time.

We are sitting at the lunch table with the others just talking. "When do you get ungrounded Tara?" Marcy asks. "Well technically in a few days but my parents are gone for the weekend and by the time they get back my grounding is up." "Nice. So you can hang with us tonight?" Devon asks. "Totally." I reply. We talk about our plans for the night and then head off to class. The afternoon also flies by because then Zayn and I are headed to my house.

"So I'll come to get you at seven. Ok?" "That's fine. See ya Zayn." "Later." He says and we go our separate ways. I'm in my room listening to music when Derek barges in. "What do you want?" "It's time to pay up." "What?" "I'm cashing in my favor. Unless you're backing out then I'll just tell Mom and Dad our little secret." He says with a smirk. "I'm not backing out." I say. "Good. Now put on something that'll make you look eighteen. And don't forget your fake ID." He says. I gasp and look directly at my older brother. "That's right. I know you have one. Now get ready." Derek walks out closing the door and I get ready. I text Zayn and tell him that I can't make it because Derek is keeping a close watch on me tonight. It's half true because whatever I'm having to do tonight means I'm stuck with my jerk of a brother.

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a one shoulder, long sleeve, short black dress and black heels. I've curled my hair and applied my make up. "Dang Tara. You look hot." I tell myself. "Tara! You ready?" Derek says from downstairs. "Be right down!" I tell him. I take one last look at myself and then grab my clutch with my phone and fake ID. I get downstairs and Derek is at the door with keys in hand. "You did a good job Tara." "Thanks. Now why am I dressed like this?" "Because you are going to pretend to be my girlfriend." "What?" "You heard me. Now let's go." "Where?" "The club." He says and we get in the car and head there.

~Derek's POV~

I'm sitting in one of the dining halls with my friends and we are discussing what to do tonight. "Let's go to the club." One of them says. "Sure." "Yeah." We say agreeing. "We should get you a date Derek." Carly says. "No need to." I say. "Yeah right Man. You're getting a date." Jacob says. 'How can I get out of this? Wait a minute. Tara.' "What about Rose?" Sarah asks. "Guys. There's no need to get me a date." "Of course there is Derek." Carly replies. "Why do you say that Derek?" Cody asks. "Because I was thinking of bringing my girlfriend." "Girlfriend?!" My friends say at once. "Since when did you get a girlfriend?" Jacob asks. "It's been a while. I just haven't said anything because she doesn't want a lot of people to know about us." "What's her name and age?" Carly asks. "Her name is Tara and she's eighteen." "You should definitely bring her tonight Man." I nod and we change subjects.

When I get back home, I hang out in my room. I hear Tara come home and go to her room to tell her the plan. "What do you want?" She asks a bit annoyed. "It's time to pay up." "What?" "I'm cashing in my favor. Unless you're backing out then I'll just tell Mom and Dad our little secret." I say with a smirk. That'll definitely make her do what I want. "I'm not backing out." Tara says. "Good. Now put on something that'll make you look eighteen. And don't forget your fake ID." She gasps and looks at me. I smirk and say, "That's right. I know you have one. Now get ready." I close the door and go back up to my room to change clothes.

I'm downstairs waiting for Tara. Of course she's being a typical girl and taking forever. "Tara! You ready?" "Be right down!" I pick up my keys and then she walks downstairs. "You did a good job Tara." Truth is, she looks really hot. I know what you are thinking. 'Ew, gross. She's your sister." Yes I know that but we aren't blood related. "Thanks. Now why am I dressed like this?" "Because you are going to pretend to be my girlfriend." "What?" "You heard me. Now let's go." "Where?" "The club." I say and we get in the car and head to the club.

NOTE: This is what Tara's dress looks like

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