We head back inside and I go upstairs and take a shower. My mind fills with today's events and all the new secrets coming out since I've been gone. I dry off and prepare Majesty's bed for a comfortable sleep. All of a sudden my feet are wet and I'm standing in a puddle of wetness. OMG, my water just broke!

I rush downstairs "Majesty!"  I cry. "My water just broke!"

Majesty's eyes widen and he panics looking around, wondering what to do.

Desiree screams."Turn up!"

"Take me to the hospital!" I throw Majesty's car keys at him.

"Desi can you prepare me an overnight bag?" I ask while putting on my slippers.

"Yeah bae, I gotchu." Desiree kisses me on my cheek and rubs my belly.

Majesty picks me up and carries me to the car. I could tell that Majesty's hella nervous cause his arms are shaking as he carries me and I'm not that heavy. We speed to the hospital.

"You in any pain?" Majesty asks then swallows hard.

"No, I just, OMG. Yes! I think I'm having contractions!" I scream.

"Oh, shit." Majesty wipes his eyes and tries to focus on the road.

"Nigga, you cryin?" I shoot Majesty a judgmental look.

"Nah, umm I just. You think we should call our folks?" Majesty hands me his phone.

"You can call them when we get there. I gotta focus on the breathing techniques that I learned at the retreat." I toss Majesty's phone back at him.

We arrive at the hospital and Majesty runs in to get help. A nurse comes out with a wheel chair and takes me into a Delivery Room. The nurse tells me that I'm 6 cm dilated and I need to be 10 cm to start pushing. I ask for an epidural to numb the excruciating pain that I'm feeling. Desiree struts in moments later carrying and overnight bag. Majesty is on the phone with his Dad then calls my mom. About 20 minutes later my mom rushes in.

"Hi, I'm Majesty." Majesty places his hand out to my mom.

"Oh, are you him? You're gorgeous. I'm Yvette."  My mom hugs Majesty tightly then steps back like she examining him like fine artwork.

"Mommy." I whine with my arms held out.

My mom hugs me and strokes my hair. "I called your little friend who helped us. She's been asking about you a lot and she asked me to call her when you go into labor."

"Oh My God, Mom no!" I scream then starts to cry.

"What's wrong?"  Majesty rushes to my side.

Before I can explain, Melrose walks through the door. My heart drops. The doctor is by her side, guiding her into my room.

"Yeah, this is the room." Melrose thanks the Doctor then casually walks in my Delivery room like nothing is wrong.

My mom smiles at Melrose. Desiree glares at her and Majesty looks like he wants to fight her. I cover my face and scream as I have another painful contraction. The nurse rushes in, "She's ready. Push!" The nurse instructs.

"She can't! My father isn't here yet." Majesty argues.

"Fuck your father. You don't have a person coming out of your dick!" I scream as I painfully push.

Desiree falls to the floor and faints when she sees all the blood coming from me. My mom rushes to her aid to help her up. Majesty takes one look at all the blood then starts violently puking in the sink. Melrose holds my hand.

"I'm here for you."  Melrose stares into my eyes like she use to, when we were in love.

I squeeze the bones in her hands so hard, partially because I'm in pain and partially cause she's a fuck boy who lies. 

"Majesty, get your ass over here!" I scream as I continue to push.

Majesty father finally arrives, as soon as he walks in, he walks out holding his mouth. Majesty crawls by my bedside with a small trash can by his side. I'm pushing harder and harder hoping that each push produces a baby. Melrose leans in and whispers in my ear.

"I missed you so much. I'm so sorry. We gon work things out, ok?" Melrose says as she continues to hold my hand.

I try to let go of her hand and push her away but her grip is tighter on my hand than mine was on hers. 

"Look, I don't even know what was said that night. I was hella high! I went over there to fight Alize and I don't even remember anything after that. All I can remember is waking up and you being out of my life. That shit hurt." Melrose tries to explain.

"I don't give a fuck about you or your stupid little girlfriend! Yes, girlfriend. I know. Now get out!" I yell.

Melrose stares at me blankly then hangs her head down. "Jade, I was gonna tell you but I swear on everything that's my best friend. I couldn't tell you cause you'd probably think that we'd still have feeling for each other but we don't. I love you, ok. Just take me back, I've been so depressed without you." 

"Majesty, do something!" I scream as I push harder.

Finally, Desiree regains consciousness after the doctor gives her smelling salt and for a minute she is lost then remembers where she's at. 

"Majesty, getcho bitch ass off the floor!" Desiree orders. 

My mom tries to help Majesty up, slowly.

"And what is this bitch even doing here?" Desiree glares at Melrose.

"That's what, I'm saying. Someone get her the fuck out." I order.

Desiree yanks on Melrose's arm, trying to pull her out the door. 

"Let me go!" Melrose pushes Desiree off her so hard that Desiree slams against the wall.

"OMG, her water broke!" My mom shouts from across the room.

There's a puddle beneath Desiree's feet and she's standing there silent, with a scared expression on her face. I never seen Desiree scared before and it almost makes me cry and forget that I'm in so much pain. A nurse puts Desiree in a wheelchair and rushes her down the hall. Melrose looks sorry, afraid, and in shock. Majesty has a weak ass grip on my hand and my mom has her hands over her mouth.

(A/N The twins are on there way into the world, Yay! Now, Lashawnda & Desiree hooking up, weird or nah? Is Majesty a punk ass bitch for crying, throwing up, and not being emotionally there for Jade? Should Melrose be forgiven or not? Do you think Melrose truly loves Jade? Now, finally Desiree is going into a early labor, Do you think her baby will survive? Comment & Vote, thanks for reading :)

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