Happy New Year

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I stood over by the drink table and watched people mingle as I nursed my drink. My friends dragged me to a New Year's Eve party downtown despite the fact that I hate parties.

I did some mingling, danced with my friends and a guy or two, but I just needed to be drunker to actually have a good time.

I sighed and took a seat as I sipped my drink. My shoes were killing me, but I refused to take them off. I made a commitment, plus I would need to be drunker.

"Hey," a male voice said. I looked over my shoulder and sure enough there was a tall good looking frat guy standing in front of the drink table.

"Hey yourself," I said facing him. I gave him a quick once over as he mixed his drink. Rum and coke.

He smiled, "I never knew what that means".

"It means hey," I said standing up.

"Well," he said taking a sip of his drink. "Would you like to dance?"

"I would have to pass".

"Oh come on!" he said throwing his hands in the air. "It's my party, this is my house! The least you can do it dance with me. Please, be my last dance before the new year".

All I could do was laugh. I took a sip of my drink before replying, "I'm not much of a dancer".

He smiled and picked up a bottle of vodka and purred it into my drink, "Drink up!"

I took a sip, "Happy?"

"No, I want to dance with a pretty girl," he said getting a little close to me.

"Again, I'm not a dancer," I said taking another sip.

He slapped his hand over his chest and stumbled back, "You kill me!"

I laughed, "I'm sure you'll be okay".

"Can I at least get your name?"

"Tracy," I said smiling a little.

"Tracy," he said grinning. "I'm Brandon. Can I get a number?"

"I'll think about it," I said sitting back down again.

"Oh come on!" he groaned. "I'm really off my game tonight," he sighed.

I smiled, "I didn't say no..."

"Please, hot chicks say "maybe" and "I'll think about it" but it just means no. I'll be back for a kiss at midnight," he said as he walked away.

I smiled took a sip of my drink. I checked my phone, ten minutes till midnight.

I sighed and slowly finished my drink, which was, now, way too strong. I stood up to purr some more punch into my cup. I could feel the vodka working. Maybe I will give Brandon my number.

My friends found me and dragged me over to the living room, where the music and dancing were.

I saw Brandon talking to his buddies watching girls dance.

I mingled again and danced a little bit with my friends until someone turned on the TV. The ball was dropping.

Everyone gathered around the TV and watched the count down.

"Ten! Nine!" we all yelled together. "Eight! Seven!" I felt someone close to me. "Six! Five!" I looked over and it was Brandon. He smiled down at me. "Four! Three!" I smiled back at him. "Two! One! Happy New Year!" Brandon kissed me and I smiled as I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He moved his free hand to my face bringing me closer to him. We slowly pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Happy new year," I breathed.

"Happy new year," he said before he kissed me again. "So, can I get your number?" he asked smiling at me.

I smiled and extended my hand for his phone. He grinned and placed it in my hand.

What a way to kick off 2016.

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