Tronnor - Crush

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-Connor is not out when this takes place-

"Ya... I'll see you guys tomorrow" Troye waved to Connor and Tyler, he was staying in California for a week and his two American best friends were dropping him off at the hotel that he was staying at. "Alright, night Troye," Connor smiled, walking out of the room, it was getting late so he was in a rush to get home and upload the video he had filmed and has yet to edit. "Night Connah" Troye blushed, which Connor didn't notice but Tyler did. After Connor left, Tyler said he wanted to catch up with Troye so Connor drove home after Tyler said he was going to take a cab (or Uber, what's the difference?). "Got anything to tell me red-face?" Tyler asked, teasingly. "N-no" the Australian shuddered. "Okay then, can I ask you something?" Tyler asked. Troye noded. "If Connor was gay, do you think he would go out with me?" Tyler asked, trying not to smile at his friend's surprised face. "W-what?" Troye shuddered again. "I like Connor-" Troye interrupted before he could continue. "No, I got that but..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say. "Why... Why do you care? Do you like him?" Tyler asked, already knowing the answer. "N-no. It's just that..." Tyler interrupted, "Oh C'mon! You like Connor. Admit it, I just said that to prove it, now, do you like him or not?" There was an uncomfortable silence for a couple of minutes. Troye whispered something under his breath. "What?" Tyler asked. "Why does Connor have to be straight?" Troye asked again, slightly louder so Tyler could hear him. He didn't say anything, he wanted to but what could he say? Connor came out to him like 2 weeks before Troye came to L.A. Tyler couldn't say Connor was straight because he didn't want to lie but he also couldn't rat him out to Troye just because he had romantic feelings towards the closeted American. "You don't have to say anything. Don't feel sorry for me, it's just a crush... I'll get over it," Troye said quietly.

Well... That was sort of sad. Sad or not, I'm proud of it. I don't know where this came from but it popped in my head and I just HAD to write it. I feel like I'm going to have Troyler shippers in the comments, yelling at me... Just like every other Tronnor story/one-shot. But unlike other Tronnor stories, Tyler's not trying to keep Troye and Connor apart and isn't the bad guy. Anyways, B-Byyyyyeeee

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