"Is everything okay in here?" Rodney asked coming in.

"Family business. Which you are not a part of." my mom said.

"Will you ever stop?"

"Actually, if you're making the mother of my child cry it is my business." he said hugging me.

"One, no its not. Two, who says its your baby?" she busted out.

"What?" he questioned.

"What makes you think that its your baby? She got pregnant at sixteen, you don't know who's she's been with."

"Kendra, that's enough! How could you do this to our daughter?"

I ran out the house and Rodney came after me.

"Diamond, what the hell?" he asked grabbing my arm.

"That's the real Kendra Jackson. And she's much worst than that. I told you she won't let go of the fact I got pregnant at sixteen."

"She's questioning my baby. She is mines, isn't she?" he asked.

"I'm not a h*e!"

"I'm not saying that but what about KD?"

"We had sex, even after Kalen was here. But when he got his girlfriend pregnant we stopped and that's was before I got the job. Is that what you wanna hear?" I asked.

"Hell yes! To make sure I'm not raising another man's child!" he yelled.

"Well, your not! You don't even have to raise this one, I got it." I said giving him back the ring.

"Wait wait wait. Don't do this Diamond, I was just checking."

I just looked at him and hugged him.

"I love you." he said hugging me back.

"I love you too."

We listened at my mom and dad were getting louder and louder.

"How about we go and watch Kalen and then I go and pick up RJ and then we can take them somewhere." he suggested.

"Alright then, let's go."

Noami's POV

I was cleaning up the dance studio and then I went into the office.

"Hey, you need a ride home?" Stacy asked coming in.

"Yeah, let's go."

We left out and Stacy locked up.

"Hey sexies. Y'all need a ride?" Tray asked us.

"No, I have my own car." Stacy said.

"What about you in the green shirt?" he asked me.

"Sorry but I have a man. And he'll kill you if he catches me talking to you." I said.

"Well, about if he catches us kissing?" he asked getting the car.

"Then we're both dead." I said jumping on him.

"Then let the killing spree begin." he said kissing me.

"Y'all are just so cute." Stacy said.

"Well, thank you." he said putting me down.

"What are you doing here? I was just going to meet you at the house."

"Well, I was at your new house. The furniture came in this morning and me and Macy and Tyrone of course helped move mostly everything in."

"Are you serious?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes, everything from Stacy's house, the storage, but.....

"Expect the things from Destiny's."

"I mean we can go now. Macy has Tyrone and the new house."

"Okay. But I'm not talking to her. I just wanna get the rest of my things."

"Alright, no talking." he said.

We got into the car and rode to Destiny's house. We pulled up and I sat in the car for a moment.

"So, you're just going to sit here?"

I looked at him and started laughing.

"I'll be right there. But no fighting this girl."

"If she touch me or say something stupid, I just might."

"I'll be right there nothing going to happen."


We fit out the car and I unlocked the door. When we walked in it was dark and it stinked!

"The hell." I said covering my nose.

Tray then turned on the light.

"Noami, cover your eyes."

"What you......

I looked on the chair and there was Destiny dead.

"Oh my gosh, I killed her." I said.

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