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Sir Nicolas stood behind his desk, staring out of his window. He heard Agatha, his sister, rummaged through some paperwork behind him, but he focused on what happened outside. The two boys, Bryan and Will, had just returned. They led their horses through the streets of the town towards the stables. He saw how sir Steven ran out and embraced Will, his son. He laughed scornfully. He should punish that boy, for disobeying him. Then he saw how the knight pulled Bryan in the embrace too. He put his hands on the window frames, frowning and hissed unbelievably. How dared that man treat the boy as his son?! Bryan was sir Nicolas’ son! He didn’t realise that he hadn’t been very much of a father for him the past years.

“Nick? What’s wrong?” Agatha asked concerned. Nicolas didn’t respond, but instead looked at how sir Steven put his arms around the shoulders of the boys and led them to his house.

“Nicolas! I’m talking to you! I’m helping you as much as I can in and around the house. The least you can do is giving me a little attention!” Agatha exclaimed. Nicolas turned around slowly and stared at her, his face an expressionless mask.

            He noticed how her determined attitude changed, until she mumbled an excuse and left the room with a pile of paperwork under her arm. Nicolas turned back to view the now empty square. Through gritted teeth he mumbled a promise, a promise to everyone who had taken part in the war. He would get back what he had lost, no matter what. He would take his revenge, starting at sir Steven...  

To be continued. Please read the sequel: The journey of destiny

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