Chapter 4

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“What are you talking about?” Bryan asked suspiciously . Will grinned at him, before starting to walk towards the sheep. Bryan quickly followed him. “Why are you doing so weird?” he continued. Will stopped a couple meters away from the sheep and turned towards Bryan.

“We don’t want to poison ourselves,” he said. Bryan raised an eyebrow.

“I know,” he said. “I figured that out  already.”

“But,” Will continued, ignoring Bryan. “we don’t care about the sheep.” For a moment, Bryan just looked at him. Then a grin appeared on his face.

“Oh, I think I know what you mean,” he said slowly. Will glanced at the sheep.

“All we have to do is find a way to feed them those plants,” Will said, pointing at the moss-branch, which he had thrown on the ground. Bryan nodded.

“Why are you so smart?” he asked. Will smiled.

“I’m not,” he said. “But I’m able to think.” Bryan gave him an offended look.

“That’s not very nice of you to say,” he said. Will sighed.

“Come on,” he said, to change the subject. “Let’s find one of those trees.”

               Half an hour later, they stood in front of the sheep again. Bryan had broken a branch of one of the little trees, so that they didn’t have to take the sheep into the forest. All they had with them now, was a branch covered with moss, a branch of the little tree and a hand full of the berries. The sheep looked suspiciously at them every once in a while, but they did not flee. 

“Okay,” Bryan said. “We’re back at the beginning of our problem.” Will looked at him.

“No, we’re not,” he said stubbornly.

“Yes, we are,” Bryan said even more stubbornly. For a moment they were silent.

“I’m hungry,” Bryan continued. “The last time I ate was for breakfast.”

“I know,” Will said, sighing. “I’m hungry too.” Now that Bryan had brought up food, his stomach started to rumble. One of the sheep came a little closer and it sniffled the ground in front of them. Will raised an eyebrow and carefully stepped forward. When he saw that the sheep didn’t mind it, he took another step forward. He continued to do this until he was able to touch the sheep if he wanted to.

“Hello there,” Will said softly. “Don’t mind me, I’m just possibly poisoning you.” He grabbed a couple of the berries and reached out to the sheep. “There you go,” he said, when the sheep started to eat the berries. Will stepped back and turned around to Bryan.

“That was one,” he said. “Now all we have to do is remember which sheep this is.” Bryan didn’t answer, but squeezed one of the berries instead. He walked to the sheep and put the remaining of the berry onto it. Will raised an eyebrow.

“Nice move,” he said and Bryan smiled proudly.

“I know,” he said. “I am able to think as well!” Will chuckled.

“I can see that.”

              At that moment, the berry-sheep started to make a really weird noise. It shivered, while the boys looked at it. Not a minute later, the sheep fell on the ground. It kept rolling over. Will glanced at Bryan.

“Well,” he said, trying to sound positively. “At least that isn’t one of us.” Bryan nodded.

“Okay,” he said, obviously feeling uncomfortable. “One down, two to go.”

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