dying part 2

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Hey guys. I hope you liked the story so far. This next part might be a little scary so be aware. This is now going to be at her home.
"Ding" I looked at my phone. A message from Mike appeared on my lit up screen. It read "I'm here." I was confused. Why would Mike be at my house? It was 10 pm! Suddenly the lights went out. The only thing I could see was the dim light of my phone. Suddenly a pair of strong hands grabbed me. One hand on my waist and the other on my neck. A deep familiar voice whispered in my ear telling me not to move. The sound of a blade took hold of the dark silence. A cold piece of metal rested on my throat. "Stella. I have a little thing to tell you." I suddenly recognized the voice and new immediately who it was. Carefully swallowing, I spoke with a croaky voice. "M-Mike?" My voice held fear and recognition. A low chuckle was heard. "That's right Stella. Your a very smart teenager. The only problem is, you should be more careful who your boyfriend is." He whispered. I was so confused. I had no idea what he meant. And why would he have a blade up to my throat? Then suddenly, it hit me. "Y-you killed my mother!?" I choked with tears filling up my eyes. He chuckled again. "Very good Stella. You really are quite smart. Just a little slow." A sharp pain erupted from my throat. I fell to the floor. My vision went white and my eyes closed suddenly I fell in to a dark hole.
So, scary or not what do you think he did? Do think she's dead? Place comments and keep reading. This is fun!

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