smurfs= nazis?

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The first example of this is their clothing. They're all dressed in white in similar fashion of the KKK, they even got the white hoodlike hats for Pete's sake! Now Papa Smurf wore red, but the KKK also uses different colored sheets to signify higher rank also. Speaking of color, the Smurfs were all one color, blue. Which supports the ideology of Aryan purity, and we know that having blue eyes was an Aryan ideal so thus the blue color. Now the blond hair Aryan ideal was represented by Smurfette, speaking of which why was she the only visible female smurf?

Now there have been theories that the Smurfs were just harmless homosexuals, but the truth is far more sinister, and goes back to Nazi ideology again: A woman's place was to stay home, bare foot and pregnant to produce more soldiers for the empire. That's why you never saw any other female Smurfs, they were basically treated as property. Smurfette being the exception because she was obviously Papa Smurf's illegitamate daughter. (There were also hints of incest going on as well, similar to Hitler's relationship with his cousin)

Now let's look at the Smurf's "enemy" Gargamel. who's obviously an Anti-Semetic characature of the "evil Jew" even down to the oversized nose. Even his cat Azrael has the same name as the Angel of Death in the Islamic tradition. (Himmler actually recruited Bosnian Muslims for his SS in Yugoslavia) And Azrael also sounds a little TOO close to Israel don't you think?

Let's look at some other characters, now scapegoatism was very common in Nazi Germany and Brainy Smurf seemed to be the whipping boy in smurf society. This makes sense, intellectualism was frowned upon in Nazi Germany also, but Brainy was probably invaluable in creating new technology, so he was killed. That young human boy who was always helping the Smurfs was a perfect example of Hitler Youth. Devoted and utterly loyal to them. You might ask why that Pansy Smurf hadn't been purged, but remember Ernst Rohem was also homosexual, a high ranking Nazi and utterly ruthless. Goreing was also prone to cross dressing. So Pansy Smurf probably had some serial blackmail, and clout to insure his survival.

The Smurf society just happend to be all blue you say? Nonsense! One only has to look to their relatives, the Snorks (Who are underwater Smurfs) and see that their society consisted of many colors. They even accepted foreigners who couldn't speak English (That green honking guy). If the Snorks were an equal, democratic and capitalist society, then the Smurfs represented the National Socialist Nightmare. Evidence shows that the Smurf society was similar to the Snorks at one time, but by the time we saw them, they'd already succeeded in their holocaust and wiped out any traces of their non-blue bretathern

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